
i understand what you are saying but what is his family supposed to do?  You can’t force a person to take medication.  You can’t shove it down their throat.  Kanye is responsible for taking his medicine and seeing a therapist - no one can force him to do so.  He is an adult.

Ha!  i thought it was “Pole Danson” :)

completely agree :)

and i think that is one of the most inspiring things about space travel - it is dangerous but we do it anyway. It is amazing that we have some very brave people that will take the risk. That is inspiring.

i like your theory :)

they don’t just come in white skin tones anymore. although why it took so long i don’t know.

and while they may be “curvy” they all still have flat tummies.  so, the only kind of “curvy” being accepted is still limited to a certain standard.  and yes, they all have gorgeous faces.

this is why i hate celebrity interviews and hearing about their “deep thoughts” on life and the world and politics. I usually just wind up not liking them - they can just sound so pretentious and out of touch.

so was it a boy or a girl??  :)

i am terrified of flying but i still get on the damn plane! i bet there are thousands/millions just like me. this line of questioning is stupid and proves nothing.  if this is the best they’ve got, they are done.

thanks for the info.  and thanks for not making fun of me.  i appreciate that.  sounds like i should be able to handle it.  if not, i will just look away.  and it’s good to know that there is someone else out there like me when it comes to these things :)

wait - what about the lemur? I am a total wimp when it comes to animals being harmed or suffering in tv/movies. can you elaborate without ruining? can i still watch it?

if you have cheekbones that go on for miles, sure, this cut will look great on you.  for us mere mortals - probably not.

i so hope you are right.  we cannot let this guy on the Supreme Court.

remember what his teeth looked like before getting them all fixed?? they were awful!

i am sure they do.  hormones also change as you age, along with your metabolism.  it sucks.

metabolism. I weighed 110 pretty much my entire adult life. I was the skinny person that could eat anything i wanted and not gain weight. I was repeatedly accused of being anorexic. Then i turned 37 and it was literally overnight that i had gained weight. And have been gaining ever since. Now i watch what i eat but it

aging is hard! :(

addiction would be another example.