
are you calling Eddie Vedder cheesy? How dare you! :)

Vedder not Veddar.

it truly was the best of times :)

i completely agree! i remember back in 1988 and seeing this video and just wishing i could get my hair as big as hers. I still wear my hair like i am Kip Winger (although i’m a girl). I love big, crazy, wavy, curly hair.

it’s called the 80's. And it was the bestest time for hair.  :)

he apologized to the manager of the donut shop.  he did not personally, privately apologize to the woman he slurred.

why do you have to be rude?  i did not like it.  if you did, great!  taste is subjective and this movie, for me, sucked.  

don’t get me wrong - it had a couple of chuckle moments.  but it was just so “learn this life lesson” in your face the whole freakin movie.  the first Jumanji was so good.  Maybe it was my expectations.

Jumanji 2.  So stupid and so bad.  so so bad.

i’m so sorry.

i’m so sorry.

how do you murder a person and receive a sentence of only 15 years and then only serve 12!??? our justice system needs all kinds of reform.

is that Freddy “Boom Boom” Washington?? Loved him on Kotter.

hideously bad is what those boots are. ewww...

Chipotle had to close a restaurant in Powell OH today due to customer complaints of careful out there Chipotle lovers :)

she’s that girl in True Blood, right?

thank you!  i just saw  Rogue Nation on tv last night and 90% of it is exposition.  it was ridiculous.  and the masks - come on already.  such a convenient ploy and really stupid.  sorry to all who love it :)

that is terrible! it would have taken him 30 seconds to take a picture and autograph it or give your niece a quick phone call. well now bruno mars is cancelled for me!

thank you internet stranger :)

i could not care less about John Cena and Nikki Bella but today i learned that John Cena has granted more Make a Wish wishes than any other celebrity.