
you do but then contradict yourself:

yes but the poster i was replying to did get paid extra at time and a half for volunteering to do a job that is not theirs.  that is what i am referring to.  and when i said “non-paid jobs” i meant you don’t get extra to do that while on the clock (like the original poster did).

ha!  that is hilarious.  they really suck at singing.

well that makes sense.  thanks for answering.

i love that freakin movie.  so good.

a girl can dream...

i think that is great and certainly how it should be.  question though - who does the job when you are out for the 18 months?  no snark - just genuinely curious.

how are the immigration laws?  would it be difficult for a US citizen to become a citizen of Sweden?

you volunteered for a paid job.  what this article is talking about is volunteering for the non-paid jobs - cleaning out the fridge, collecting money for gifts, ordering the birthday cake, organizing the xmas decorations etc etc.

cherish every moment.

this picture is awesome.

I love that image!! My all black, hammer of the gods, Mr. Thor in his viking helmet, drinking nip ale and hanging with the rest of the cats in Valhalla. Hopefully talking about what a good human mother he had while on earth.

anybody remember that before she claimed that her son had autism she said he was a Crystal child?

welfare. because the men don’t work because their “job” is to do nothing but study the torah.

That is very kind of you and i appreciate it.  I am sure the fond memories will come.  right now it’s just grief.  thank you for making a stranger feel better.

is this the same “paid family leave” that only applies to married people?

it is beautiful! Neptune blue should be the color of the year for 2019.

thank you - that really means a lot.  truly.

thank you internet stranger.  hardest thing i have ever had to do. i miss my buddy. 

i had to euthanize my cat on Monday. Thor has crossed the rainbow bridge into Valhalla. He will be greatly missed. :(