
guess your former co-worker never saw the movie The Descent... :)

well, to be fair, we have had mine collapses and we usually wait for the blame game to begin until after everyone is rescued.

oh my. that poor guy looks completely terrified. i guess he is in shock. how long had he be down there??  is it the helium that is making the rescuer sound like that?

The Satanic Temple is doing great work out there. they are always looking for donations for their lawsuits if anyone is so inclined. they really are standing up for religious freedom - for everyone. anytime some city council wants to put up the ten commandments on govt property - they are there fighting back and

when i did it, not a lot of people would tip for bringing them a drink while they were waiting for their table.  that is why the bartenders would share.  but you are probably right about the credit cards and no one paying with cash these days.

aha!  that was it.  thanks

if the waitress was doing cocktail waiting that evening, then the bartenders would share tips with cocktail waitress.  that’s how it worked when i did it. but who knows?  story is probably made up.

didn’t i just read that Kevin Spacey is getting another tv show or movie??  maybe this will scuttle that.  fingers crossed.

the article is incorrect.  the heat was effecting the mechanism that makes the draw bridge go up and down.

it’s the meth keeping him slim.

but he’s gay, isn’t he?

I’m a chick and I LOVE Coming to America!!  one of the greatest movies of all time.  whenever it is on, i watch it.  I even look for it when there is nothing else on to watch.  Love it.

yes totally.  you have gotten tons of good advice but here are my two cents.  I will shop online and put everything that i want in my cart - but then i just never check out.  gives me the feeling of shopping but then later i don’t have the guilt since i didn’t really buy anything.

which has a great title - Yakety Sax.

i’m a sucker for crappy horror.

she was in the trailer.

i think it might be from Drag Me To Hell...i think.

you’re right.  the ears are a little long.  maybe a rottie/hound dog mix?  regardless, he is the bestest doggie. 

he looks like a Rottweiler.

which still makes no fucking sense!  How the fuck was the Iran deal anti-semitic?  Just because Israel was opposed to the deal does not mean it was anti-semitic.  Talk about low IQ.