
just one thing - earnings/gains in a traditional IRA are also never taxed. You will only pay taxes on the amount you withdraw - not on the gains or earnings.

both a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA are tax deferred. for a traditional IRA when you begin taking distributions, you will pay taxes on the amount you withdraw. for a Roth IRA, you will not pay any taxes when you take withdrawals.

because in a roth ira, when you take distributions from it, you won’t pay taxes on the distributions.

no limits on converting to a Roth IRA. so, if you have a traditional IRA worth $100,000 - you can convert that to a Roth IRA. You are still subject to the $5500 or $6500 annual contribution limit.

$6500 for people 50 and over - not really “near retirement age”. Just FYI.

Thanks for the recommendation. I am looking forward to listening to this podcast - although i don’t know that “looking forward” to it are the right words to say for something so heinous. I remember how terrified my mom was when all of this was going on - i was only 9 and we lived in New Jersey(and i am just a dumb

not that this should matter at all, the guy that assaulted this woman, his name is Mahmut Yilmaz. Which i think might be a Turkish name. but for all i know he is a native burgher.

i think they do sell the information - or retain the right to use your DNA information, but as of right now, your name is not attached to it.

Now playing

check out this performance by a 9 year old Starr Andrews. It is amazing and super fun. NINE YEARS OLD! super talented, destined for the Olympics, i think.

thanks for the recommendation. i will check it out.

i think that when you are an Olympic medal winner, things are expected of you -male or female. i am not saying that it’s fair, it’s just the way it is. and even if she did think it was corny and stupid - why is she saying it out loud? keep it to yourself, bitch about it to your friends.

Now playing

she is still deserving of sympathy (for her assault) and respect (for her skating), i still don’t like her.

i had no idea that move was a true story, no idea that getty had ever been kidnapped, only a vague idea of who the Getty’s even were, had no idea balthazar getty was related and only knew him from seeing his name on the credits for Charmed.

i see. i misunderstood and thought you were complaining that people were coming after the woman.

what? who is dragging her through the mud? looks to me like the cheating governor is the one getting dragged - rightly so if he ran a “family values” platform.

As is yours, Stelllaaa!

There is one acoustic version of a banging rock song that is better than the original banging rock song and that is Guns N Roses “You’re Crazy”

wait - Darlene had a daughter in the original. I am so confused.

actually, i think he started on the Facts of Life...

and apparently, he “saw no combat” while he was in. so where the hell is this PTSD coming from (other than Obama sending it via radio waves of course)? He needs help. He is going to kill someone or himself or both.