
and never forget these gems (from Raw Story).

that is awesome! i didn’t know they would do that. thank you!!!

thanks you. i just put it on my list.

i am going to derail this a bit, but i need some advice from all the smart and wise commentors of jezebel. I am a 47 year old woman. I have fairly decent skin. Little to no wrinkles yet, fairly even skin tone, not too dry and not too oily. I am getting some bags under the eyes, but nothing too terrible yet, maybe a

the Satanic Temple are not Satan worshipers. They are a free thinker, humanitarian outfit. don’t know why you think they are a bunch of weirdos.

it’s cause she is pretty. that is it. same with Blake Lively.

that was awesome. they certainly funked it up.

I think the exact line was “Does anybody remember laughter?”

i would think that people like Jane Fonda and Robert Redford would have the power to say no. i guess i am kidding myself. Welcome to the machine.

what does Robert Redford mean when he said - I am not a feminist? and why do these people go on her show? don’t they know who she is???

i am officially old. that little girl “rapping” has made me very angry and confused. i have become my parents :(

is that how they pronounce innovative in Great Britain? curious, no snark.

he’ll probably be a ghost or something stupid.

so Roseanne is just pretending the series finale never happened? Cuz Darlene and David weren’t really together if we are to believe the finale.

The best part for me is being able to call my Amazon Echo “Computer” like i’m Jean Luc Picard. And having a light setting called Electric Prince, which is all purple (of course) while jamming to Prince.

Uber and Lyft?

yikes! good for them for being able to get along with each other.

wow. still confusing, but a little more clear. close knit family :)

i am so confused! one sister had a baby with the dude and ANOTHER sister married same dude? what???

i know this isn’t the point, but can someone explain to me exactly how it is that iggy is “exotic” or even beautiful? she looks like a plain vanilla white chick to me. i think she is kind of fugly.