
and, sadly, we may never know the truth of what happened since she cannot tell us what happened. we only have his story.

but then why would he even agree to an interview at all?

so the most likely scenario here is she rebuffed his advances and he killed her, right?

“Are you ready for Ryan Murphy’s take on politics? I’m not, but it looks like we don’t have a choice.”

Chale? WTF is a Chale? is that a real name? does anyone in the real world have the name Chale? and is it chale - like in chair or like in kale?

states rights to own slaves.

putz. not puts.

i had no idea. that sux. thanks

Puffy Face Pine?? WTF?? i think you need glasses.

I think Thor outranks starlord

her voice sounds so much deeper than it used to. or was it always like this? is she a smoker?

so? the article is still trying to say - yes, he did these horrible things to black women slaves but the end result is good, so we shouldn’t care about the torture he put the slave women through. again, not a debunking, a justification.

this isn’t debunking. this is an attempt at justification. a bad attempt.

you may be experiencing PTSD

I’ve had panic attacks now for almost 20 years. I can tell now when they are going to be very bad or if they will be fleeting and quick. If it’s going to be a bad one, i pop my ativan. If they are the quicker ones - (which, thankfully, most of them are), one of the tricks i have learned is to get up and do

you are so right! these women supporters of trump are all trying to be the “cool girl” as described brilliantly by Gillian Flynn in her book Gone Girl. i never put that together before - cuz i’m dumb. it all makes sense now! it’s a long passage, linked to below.

now to be fair, they had no idea that their kids would eventually turn into nazis. did you see the one article about the dad that has disavowed his son for taking part in the riot? pretty powerful stuff. now we just need all of these kids parents to do the same.

true. i was thinking of the old time hoods that covered the faces too. are you allowed to wear those in VA or is that why the new hoods show faces?

but the KKK can still wear their hoods, right? they should have just pulled out their white hoods and wore them.

lucky girl. lucky about the orgasms, not the pregnancy :)