
According to the Treasury, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt is China, which owns more than $1.24 trillion in bills, notes, and bonds or about 30% of the over $4 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. In total, China owns about 10% of publicly held U.S. debt.

they did on The Slot and cross posted to jezebel


have none of our lawmakers read the US Constitution? FFS!

that makes sense. if you can learn how to not panic, you have a much better shot of surviving any dangerous situation - or so i hear. fortunately, i haven’t had to find that out on my own (yet).

that actually looks kind of fun - only because you know you won’t die because people are there to rescue you.

everyone who is outraged needs to call these offices:

why are any democrats giving any of trumps nominees any support at all? you fucking traitors.

per IrisJK down there - why aren’t you pointing out that all President’s do this? there are plenty of things to be worried, anxious or raging about when it comes to trump, so why get us all riled up about something fairly insignificant? we need to focus and fight back. not get all distracted and despondent over

thank you for this. i forget just how biased the material i read can be sometimes and can make things seem so much worse. not that trump isn’t a fucking disaster, but this was giving me a rage stroke. glad to know it is a normal thing for president’s to do and not trump thinking he is king.

are you being serious? Hillary’s right hand woman and Anthony Weiner’s ex wife.

same with Pittsburgh. Huge crowd, incredibly diverse, lots of signs for all of our causes. all together, marching as one.

a punch in the face is not “getting beaten”. one dude got punched in the face. it will be okay. and i’m not your bud. have a nice day.

he is not wrong about Peta. He also isn’t wrong about the TMZ video being highly edited. however, what i did see was disturbing. i had no plans to see this movie anyway. i can’t handle a dog dying multiple times.

once people start calling for the beating of nazis to be implemented by the govt, i might agree with you. this was one guy who punched a jack ass. they are not comparable.

are you really trying to compare a government sponsored torture program with this nazi asshole getting punched in the face? really?

you need to give that adorable bird a trump hair do. cuz that is what he is about to do - shit on everything we love.

i have heard that they are smart animals. so it pains me that they are used so much in laboratories :(

best christian metal hair band there is! :)