
i am with you - i don’t like the too intricate adult coloring books. i have The Secret Garden -but it can get to be too much. I just got this one, which i am very much looking forward to (Disney Villains coloring book):

it has really and truly helped. want a smoke, reach for a colored pencil instead. good luck!!

i like coloring books. i was just coloring last night. I realize how “basic” it is, but i enjoy it. It has also helped me to quit smoking - keeps my hands busy.


there is another Taj Mahal besides the Trump Taj Mahal???? are you joking?

some suffering from mental illness use drugs to self medicate.

when the video embedded in an article just starts playing on its own without you pushing play.

tchotchkes are a good idea until you realize you have to dust them. and under them. and around them. then you start to get rid of them.

what the fuck does that even mean? you think you are being deep. you are not. the point is that evolution will be dependent upon the environment in which it takes place. just because humanoids are at the top of the chain here, does not in any way mean that is the case everywhere else.

wait until January and then mail them to the White House.

yes. yes it was.

Trump will be awful. But i will NEVER look back on the W years with nostalgia for a better time. They can both be awful. Bush was awful. Illegal war, torture, spying on Americans, tax cuts, no child left behind, the stock market crash, etc, etc...

i did watch the show - the first two seasons. it was fascinating. But then i learned more about their religion and had to stop watching it. the first two seasons were surprisingly non jesusy. it was more about how this huge family operates on a daily basis. then shit got weird.

The book and the short story upon which this movie is based is called The Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang.

but that is earth’s evolution. who knows what evolution on a completely different planet would look like?

sure you googled it.

yeah sorry. i meant to reply to the guy that misspelled it to begin with.

lose the e

Benedetto is his real last name.

it’s because all of their kids - all 20 of them - have names that start with J. (i think it’s 20 kids, but might only be 19).