
This is awful and i really feel for her. I can believe that she did not know. I don’t think she should be suing Subway, however.

i’m so looking forward to the end of sexism! wasn’t it great that we got rid of racism after electing Obama? /s

I wonder if the consequences would have been the same if Drew Faust had been a man instead of a woman? I’d like to think so, but i’m not sure...

Hillary came to a stop in Pittsburgh and i got to shake her hand. she is 5'5" or 5'4". I am 5'6" and she was shorter than me. Definitely not 5'7".

oh those poor oppressed Christians who don’t get a fair representation in the media. Thank the lord jesus we have Mel Gibson to rectify this for us. /s

wait - what do you mean she lied about having pneumonia? is that a joke? didn’t she really have pneumonia?

i don’t live in an Asian country and it is still an odd sight to see in America. People would assume that i was infected with something.

we need more than just love. VOTE!!!!

so he claims that Black Lives Matter protesters hate the police, but he ambushes and murders 2 cops? sound logic this guy has. i wonder if he did it to try and blame it on black people? hope they catch him soon.

didn’t that all start because of the avian flu? and they even have really cute masks. maybe we need an epidemic here and then they would become common. i can’t imagine the side eye i might get from the TSA.

single nostril snot rocket is never acceptable in public, you heathen.

being an introvert, i couldn’t handle all of the stares i would receive.

not that “most” people do this but that the people that do, will usually do it in the privacy of their own homes.

well that is just evil.

so what? it is still gross and i don’t need you spraying your spittle all over me.

i am not talking about simple spitting - which still...

sorry - #notallparents :)

great idea! i am stealing that.

i would love to wear a surgical mask while on a plane but i don’t want to frighten everyone.

i cannot tell you how many people I pass on the street who don’t cover their mouths AT ALL! I give them nasty looks and cover my mouth, but they don’t care. they look at me like i am the weirdo. Parents - why are you not raising your children correctly???