
sorry - on natural rubber latex gloves, respiratory allergic reactions, etc...

talc containing asbestos, yes. talc has been asbestos free for home use since the 70's.

nope. it means I love Tilda Swinton.

Fail Kaley. You never should have apologized.

It has been suggested that talcum powder might cause cancer in the ovaries if the powder particles (applied to the genital area or on sanitary napkins, diaphragms, or condoms) were to travel through the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes to the ovary.

that link to cancer is, you are probably fine.

well, in all fairness, the scientists aren’t to blame here. it is the media and journalists who report on a little tidbit in a much larger paper/study - one that usually isn’t even complete. then, of course, the journalists/media never go back and correct themselves when new or correcting information is reported in

khloe is soooooooo jealous!

Where were all these fucks championing the rule of law when W and Cheney were in office BLATANTLY committing crimes??? where were you then? i can’t get worked up about emails when we still have done nothing about a war started on lies, warrantless wiretapping of americans, torture and other assorted war crimes, etc,

i’m sure for real astronauts, Armageddon is a comedy.

they must stream, right? how could there possibly be room for all of those DVD’s? also - no Purple Rain??? How do i mail them a copy?

rye bread, lightly toasted and add a little lettuce.

“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.

hmmm - a terrence malick movie i might actually want to see. perhaps the end is nigh after all.

that was George Clooney in the background of the golden girls, yes?

“Julia Sawolha, who plays Eddie’s long-suffering daughter Saffron Monsoon,”

so the boxed Ghiradelli dark chocolate chip cookie mix is fine, right? since it’s not homemade?

and he has cerebral palsy :(

so lettuce good, burgers bad :)

fair enough. if you ever do get the chance, give it a try. the new foods part alone is worth it. and, it’s a week to week thing - you can cancel anytime.