
because it isn’t just about looks in a relationship? maybe beyonce is a huge pain in the ass at home?

thank you! I learned a new word today :)

check out ModCloth. they have retro inspired suits.

why does she keep posting nude pictures of herself?

thank you for sharing that video. i was watching the new Stephen Hawking show just last nigh - i think it’s called Genius? anyway, they were covering this exact thing - how freaking unfathomably huge the universe is. i am incapable of wrapping my brain around it. all i can truly grasp is that it is huge and we are but

maybe just leave out the if. “I am sorry i offended you”.

“We are so thankful to the Lord that our child is safe. He is home and doing just fine. We extend our heartfelt thanks for the quick action of the Cincinnati Zoo staff. We know that this was a very difficult decision for them, and that they are grieving the loss of their gorilla.”

thank you. i never saw their original facebook statement and was just curious.

of course - the child had to be saved. you can still be sad about the gorilla. and yes, my wishing that Zoo’s weren’t places for people to visit was just a fantasy - i know they need the money.

whoa. i’m not attacking them nor do i agree with people that are attacking them. i was just wondering if somewhere in their post on facebook they mentioned that they were sad that the gorilla had to die.

UGH. fucking Penny.

you would call 911 though (or whatever the Italian equivalent is).

you really believe that the fear of being humiliated is equivalent to the fear of being physically assaulted? i’d much rather deal with the humiliation than being hit or killed if i had a choice.

oh oh - what did the dumb Penny say? i cannot stand her character Penny on the show - she ruins the show.

Did the parents express any remorse for the death of Harambe? (sorry, i don’t facebook).

you clearly don’t get the connotations to racism or you just don’t care or you are being obtuse or you are really stupid.

he literally resembled a monkey. his face literally looked like a monkey’s face. and are you completely unaware of the racial connotations in referring to black people as monkeys?

i am still making holes in the ozone with my aqua-net. my hairstyle is pretty much exactly like that of our lead singer there in your wonderful video. that’s right - don’t be jealous :)

god i miss 80's hair metal :(

but Kardashian is NOT her maiden name. It is Houghton.