
i am pathetic. i won’t be able to watch this because i anthropomorphize too much. it will literally make me cry and feel bad for animated food.

i think that is Victoria Gotti’s son... I accidentally watched her reality show years ago, one time.


They must be huge fans of the movie Deep Impact. Robert Duvall’s characters name was Spurgeon Tanner - and they called him Fish. Fish would work for little Spurgeon Seewald too...

and i am PMS’ing so i apologize if i was being a snippy bitch.

you did. you said this - “at least the zoo gave those kitties real names though.” which i took to mean that you thought this zoo should have given this lion a better name than P-22. i responded to you that this isn’t a zoo lion and therefore has no right nor obligation to give him/her a name.

this mountain lion does not live at the zoo. he is a wild mountain lion. why should the zoo name him?

the butts are always blurred. the cheeks may or may not be, but the crack always is. liars.

according to the google - the average height is 5'4'’ and 166.2 pounds.

he was able to defend himself. they ruled against him. then he wanted an appeal. they declined.

Missouri can get incredibly hot and humid in the summers. I used to live in Kansas City.

an alcoholic?

Creed’s version is better.

Creed actually had one good song - Torn.



“There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.”

so - are they hot or not?

yes. the Satanic Temple. they are doing fantastic work these days.

i am sure they could unlock this one specific phone. but that isn’t what the FBI wants. The FBI wants apple to write a software that will open Iphones and then just give it to the FBI and trust that the FBI will only use it for this one phone.