
i figured i misunderstood your point because religion is not a bastion of equality :)

i get to go see these adorable creatures at the end of this month. visiting dad who lives 15 minutes from here. cannot wait!! (fingers crossed that plane doesn’t crash).

well yeah - i totally agree with the animal part of this. can’t they just remove the word “mankind” and be done with it?

and that is an excellent campaign slogan! FLOTUS for POTUS.

Michelle Obama should run for president. She is probably too smart for that but she would make an excellent president.

what? i apologize if i misunderstand, but are you saying that religion promotes equality? because there are plenty of religions that do the opposite.

Kool aid

why don’t you ask your sisters (that you claim to have).

looks exactly like her daddy there.

hopefully they are living their life obliviously. if i knew i accidentally threw away a 60million dollar winning lottery ticket, i’d hang myself.

maybe the person who had the ticket is dead? only rational conclusion.

i know you have a secret crush on Shkreli. It’s ok :)

didn’t say he was wrong. just stupid and arrogant.

and then Shkreli tweeted “hard to accept that these imbeciles represent the people in our government”

can’t wait until she is 45 (my ancient old age) and re-reads this. she will cringe.

a man called me a “dumb bimbo” a couple of weeks ago. I thought i had transported in time back to the 70's. I told him to fuck off and hung up on him. and unfortunately, it bothered me. i actually let it bother me for a few hours.

whoever played the zebra deserves an Oscar. the slow fall after being hit with the dart - perfection. bravo sir/madam!

i saw one in the daily beast