
what is with the ads at wonkette? all down the right hand side are chicks with big boobs hanging out. i thought they were progressive and feminist?? i will still go for the BCO but the ads were rather off putting.

have an ipad you can bring to work? that’s how i get around blocked websites. and i use the company wifi. but don’t tell anybody :)

saw the Saturday morning weather woman wearing this just this past Saturday. don’t know her name - was on KDKA in Pittsburgh.

i’m in the US and no link. could be because i am on my work computer. no idea...

no linky. link is gone. help?.....

too much man and not enough dog.

can you enlighten me on something? i went over to that clashtalk thingy and there is a lot of hatred for Mr. Pinkham over there. what is the dealio? how can anyone hate Colin and BCO? what am i missing?

come on. even charlie sheen has some standards!

plus despair and anger.

i thought they were wearing french maid costumes.

i am in full agreement with you - Elvis Costello is pop.

i thought it was James Dean

no screeching guitar solos? then it’s not rock.


and they are closing down Kitchenette. i look forward to CA Pinkham’s column every Monday. It makes the Mondays less horrible. and now it’s going to be gone.

“More generally, we have taken a hard look across the whole network at our strategy with subsites. In many ways, we let 1,000 flowers bloom, a strategy that resulted in some successes, like Adequate Man, but also bred confusion among the readers and a thicket of different editorial rabbit holes. To correct that, we

bitch stole my 80’s hair! and my dance moves.

well, sending an email really takes no effort at all. i wish i weren’t as lazy as i think i am. i might actually be able to accomplish something :)

okay - this may be Pinkham’s law but i agree with straw lady. if i order a fountain drink, i should get a straw. i would not return to the restaurant like she did, but i would want to. i am too lazy to be bothered. i would write a strongly worded email expressing my displeasure instead.

but, she is denying service to a group of people based on race and religion. she isn’t just an idiot that put a stupid, racist post on her facebook. she is a business owner discriminating. i think that is illegal. . it would be like advertising for an apartment (as an example)and saying “no muslims allowed”. that is