
i haven’t seen her twitter...what is this about???

thank you! my mood has just been greatly improved.

shut up. i assume you’re perfect.

my friend and i used to steal her moms smokes when we were 15 because they got us light-headed and buzzed. then i became addicted. and it’s enjoyable and relaxing.

i just got myself down to only 5 cigs a day from my usual pack a day and now you tell me that is just as bad?? fuck it then. i’m going back to regular smoking. i can’t have any fucking fun.

wow. i thought i was watching a commercial until i realized, nope, that is this thing i just read about. yuck.

bingo. that is exactly why i stopped. i liked the atheist bones. not this “wishy washy maybe woo woo is real” bones. fuck that.

i walk past a 7-11 every day to and from work. want me to look for them for you?

can’t you order them online? doesn’t Amazon have everything???

please Sleepy Hollow, don’t fuck me over again!

and what happens to the twinkle when kitty goes poo poo? yuck.

why would you include a clip of this without the butt clenching???

maybe he should have chosen another line of work then? he sounds like a complete and total asshole. genocide?? come the fuck on.

it was the bod and the braids.

don’t you remember Bo Derek and the movie 10? first time i ever knew what cornrows were. she was highly celebrated and it became the latest hairstyle trend - for white women. shit, i was 9 years old, a little white girl and i did the braids.


just one - Bo Derek :)

being judged. rational or not - it’s the being judged that makes me anxious.

apparently, it is still not enough for Whoopi Goldberg. unbelievable!

ah ha - thank you. that makes sense.