
but Jamie King gets paid to be an actor on the show, right? She isn’t working for free.

it would smell like a pile of shit outside on a hot summers day

the morning fox show sure as shit is peddling the narrative that it was an attack on christians, not on black people. Every chance Lindsey Graham got yesterday he spouted that bullshit. Rudy Giuliani did the same thing. Fox news is absolutely attempting to spin it that way.

why is she singing like that? sounds like she is trying to do opera. it’s weird.

that was my girl crush - Katherine Moennig.


honestly, i was just playing around with the smug thing. no offense intended. i should have put a winky.

or that. but my critique made me more smug ;)

well here i am to be smug. i don’t think you meant “devote” i think you meant devout.

still doesn’t mean it’s true just because he said it...

wait wait wait - reason and logic won the day today??? the apocalypse is nigh.

did he really have stomach issues that led to him using heroine and perhaps drove him to suicide? maybe not

this is such a wonderful article, especially when compared with all of the other articles i have read today. I was ready to give up on the human race. then i saw this. it is amazing what humans can accomplish when they work together and put aside their differences. it is unfortunate that we can’t work together more

right there upthread - whiplash defended them.

it wouldn’t have happened if they were white. can you honestly not understand that?

where can i get a pair of those blue pants? or knock offs that are affordable?

good god i love that bride and prejudice movie. and i love this mr. darcy. yum

she is prettier than both of her children

what is so infuriating about all of these stories is that these assholes always come out ahead! free food, no tip, special early morning delivery of coffee, assault, free movie tickets. it sucks. it pays to be an asshole and that just sucks!!!! people suck. everything sucks.
