
i am hopelessly uncool - are those the actual lyrics to Beyonce's "Drunk in Love"? or did Lil Wayne and C Milian change the lyrics?

quick tip - if you cook the Brussels sprouts at 450, they only need to cook for 20-25 minutes.

good to know. thank you for sharing. you probably just saved me $150 :)

can you provide more detail? what do you mean it did not work? it was broken? or, it didn't provide the stimulation you were looking for?

only in 3 states is a blood test required - D.C, Mississippi (makes sense ;) ) Montana - but only the female. And New York requires sickle cell testing for black and Hispanic couples (which i can't decide if that is racist or not? why not test Jewish people too for Tay Sachs, then)

it's Heartbeat song -not heartbreak.

why is everyone turning into Kim Kardashian????? i'm frightened.

do you think Jenny lets them use beef from cows that have been vaccinated? ;)

the month is first because it makes the most sense. everyone should do it our way ;)

so making me enter my birth date to prove i am of age works? cause an 18 year old can't figure out a fake date of birth to enter? really?

so terrorists go on a rampage in Paris because they were pissed about printed cartoons of Mohammad. Everyone is then Je Suis Charlie and "censorship is bad, mmmkay?" and then these dick heads censor a picture of a woman who was at a rally condemning censorship and extremism? is that irony? just plain ol' hypocrisy?…

but lobsters ARE under sea insects. delicious under sea insects when drowned in lemon and butter.

that dancing bird of paradise won my heart.

Now playing

"I can think of a few moments on television that made history because they were so inspiring—the moon landing, the Berlin Wall coming down,the Miracle on Ice, that time Ina Garten made a Hollandaise without the sauce breaking..."

For fucks sake people, stop being so damned stupid!!!

i just threw up in my mouth a little.

thank you for coming to my rescue ;)

like it or not, so do men.

are you sure you went to college? i don't think "antidotes" is the word you want to use. an antidote is something that counteracts against a poison. i think you mean anecdotes.

he was a vampire hunter. duh