
The clamoring doesn’t happen because:

Language and how people identify or define themselves is SO important. We give away agency so readily with language. Another phrase I am staying vigilant about: “you made me feel” “he/she made me feel” “it made me feel.” I felt. I did it. And now I’m going to do something about it!

Prescient. I think the key point is “prescient fiction.”

HIS words: “I’m no judge of the rights and wrongs of every allegation. How can I be?”

“At the time of her adoption in 1978, they had to guess her age because she had no history, was unable to use language and was extremely underdeveloped due to malnutrition and neglect. At the time, the doctors treating her settled on age 5, which was towards the middle of a possible age range based on bone scans. 

The difference does not have to do with the personal inclinations of the reporter. The difference has to do with the work the reporter puts into presenting the story. The main work has to do with corroborating what any one person says about and event. Ronan Farrow’s articles about sexual assault include interviews

Ronan Farrow’s reply is on point: this is not journalism, it’s not even a journalistic profile. It’s an interview with Previn that offers her a soap box on which to vilify her mother and siblings. Social media already provide such forums; so when a newspaper or magazine simply serve up uncorroborated or substantiated

Hope you and the little one are home and resting and feeling better soon if not already! Here is some beagle love for you:

Sounds like a power play. Cast members weren’t available. Murphy didn’t cave to make them available. Nasty innuendo is used for retaliation. Publicist says things to diffuse the situation. Bullshit ensues.

I understand one thing. If I ever am inclined to take a picture of my vulva, I’m supposed to research how to take the picture so that the image is photogenic. SMH. Otherwise, the cool girls will talk about how I got it wrong. I hate the sort of conversations social media has brought to my awareness.

These mix-ups happen a lot and your mistake is one of the most benign I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of private information exchanged publicly through inadvertent “reply alls.” One was on a community listserv. The name in the sender field was the name of the person posting to the list. He shared information about a

Where is the hard deadline for your resignation coming from? Who established that? If you have another position, aren’t you free to leave and take that position at any time? I understand that employers LIKE and WANT to have a good lead in time for replacing someone. Nevertheless, the time when someone’s reputation was

About 4 years ago I awakened to the wonder of shopping at St. Vinny’s or Goodwill. I’ve never been comfortable with the retail shopping experience. I’ve always felt like it required me to conform to a version of myself or my body that was invented by advertisers. Shopping at a “charity” store is like beach combing.

Thank you for making this point. All the stars for you. 

Damn you SNL! I see the photo and my mind automatically replaces Trump and Sessions with Baldwin and McKinnon. And then I feel happy, and that’s so wrong!!

I love Melissa McCarthy. Her interview with Marc Maron on WTF podcast is hilarious. I wish I was her friend in real life. Instead, I check in with her on a daily basis, just to discuss menus, hairstyles and clothes. She gets me.

“the hate (and fear) that white people traffic in is misplaced and projected onto people of color.”

I almost gave up scrolling through the comments and then I came to you, dear Beet.

Thank you for making this point. I HATE the snobbery of those who buy-into (emphasis on BUY) “selective” institutions. An open-access law school provides a career pathway for some who may not be able to pursue this career otherwise. AND and the same time, shame on them for admitting students whose preparation is not