
Very much this.

I appreciate you keeping upbeat. Not sure why some are so defensive.

In case anyone had issues running Wolfenstein: TNO on your PC, this is what worked for me. I had purchased this due to recommendations weeks ago during the Steam summer sale and was having a hell of a time just getting it to launch. It would flash, then crash immediately to desktop. For reference, my specs: W10 Pro

Thanks! Been thinking of getting one for awhile and this price made it just right.

Thanks! Been thinking of getting one for awhile and this price made it just right.

I’m surprised this is the only mention of a webapp. I’m hoping so as well.

I’m so delighted I’m not the only one experiencing this. I have the same issues as you guys with my circle of friends/family.

I am in full support of this. Any attempt to mock people’s vanity no matter the sex is something I can always get behind.

Sounds like my family when we try and get together.

So, he’d be a perfect politician too!

Enjoyed it immensely. Its unknown in my circle of friends and if mentioned, they ask “what’s Freedom Fighters?” I just faint. One of my ps2 faves as well.

Noticed that too. I want corded joycons if I need to charge.

I’ve been sitting on this idea awhile, but this may convince me to get my son his own. His mom won’t like this >_<

Ditto here, internet friend.

I feel this way too. Already burned by the first one and I’m afraid of the potential constant upsell.

The many people upset with this announcement are much of what was said about the PS4 Pro. I agree that, like Sony, they still have the base console as the primary target for most purchases.

My Xbox original had no issues and I went through 4 360's. Thoroughly enjoyed it, but man, did it run loud. Went through 2 PS3's. Never an issue with the Wii, WiiU or my launch PS4. Opted out of Xb1 this gen with no ragrets. Was hoping the Scorpio would entice me hardware wise and pull me back in, but not so sure yet.

Imagine Disney coming after them for this.

This is a great point I don’t see many others mentioning. Wouldn’t be fair for those that purchase second hand not knowing it was modified.

According to the Youtube description, that appears to be her.

Incorrect. The hands on the cosplay are still too large.