GRRM was a Hollywood guy, though? He’s a superior writer, yeah, but he worked in TV long before he wrote these books.
GRRM was a Hollywood guy, though? He’s a superior writer, yeah, but he worked in TV long before he wrote these books.
Anyone who didn’t think Dany was going to use her nukes to torch innocents eventually is kidding themselves. If dragons are metaphors for weapons of mass destruction—specifically, Nuclear Weapons—then they had to be used this way eventually. I thought it was a spectacular (good and bad) episode in a lot of ways—but I…
Yah. You watch the after-episode things with the writers, and it just reminds you of everything you hate about writers.
I dont know why everybidy says that Jon will kill Dany, she already thinks he betrayed her and Grey Worm will tell her that he was trying to stop them agains the surrendered forces
For some reason, I suddenly feel like I need to send the Russo brothers a hand-written letter thanking them for sticking the landing with “Avengers: Endgame.”
Varys’ end already kinda turned me on the episode even before the twist everyone else is sore about. Like, yeah, it’s not unexpected, but it’s... just very flat and doesn’t register.
Or Arya will kill Daenerys and give the throne to Jon, Jon will sit on it and look bummed, Tyrion will look at him sadly.
With all that anger I can see Dany not stopping short. It looked like she was making her way to Cersei so on the way she destroyed everything to make sure there was no way of surviving.
I don’t disagree with you, I just think people are unhappy because they’re feeling let down by a show they were very invested in and had high hopes for. So they pick that or another plot point as example of why it failed, maybe fairly and maybe not-- but it’s no one thing and that’s not why they really feel…
I agree that everything feels rushed. I think HBO made a mistake in deciding to break up the season and I do think they should have made a 7 season arc the plan earlier because there was plenty of earlier events that I suspect they would have condensed. But I have been seeing a LOT of comments that Dany is acting out…
Most people who are complaining aren’t mad about the actual events, they’re complaining about how bad the storytelling itself is. Everything that happened could have made most of us happy if it didn’t feel so rushed and half-assed. Or it could have been an entirely different series of events and that would be fine…
Because he’s so clever.
Tyrion betraying Varys rubs me the wrong way. Varys freaking saved his life at the end of season 4 and he give him up for Dany? And 10 minutes later he’s all like, “Whoopsie, so that was a mistake...”
I think the whole point of that is that she's an unstoppable, unstable force now. They want to see what it looks like when that's coming for you
You know what? I was kind of OK with it up until that fucking white horse.
Sansa will put on a pious face, but no more King’s Landing lording it over the North is her happy ending.
i guess dragons dont’ have to reload. or eat. or whatever.
Can someone talented in video editing make a mash-up of Dany’s face and the Kill Bill Siren/Klaxon thing? Cause that’s what this felt like.
Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.
What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.
Great episode. Everyone knew that Danaerys turning mad was a real possibility, and I’m glad D&D took it. This series is not having a happy ending, at most a compromise.