
Are you okay with them hunting you down, using vague, deliberately non-specific information you gave them once, to contact you at a place you didn’t expect? Particularly if you had no intention of ever having sex with them, much less interacting with them in any way, ever again?

You are not mistaken.  WORK is lonely and looking for love, and that’s making him see clues where there are none.  I hope he has friends, because he’s going to need them to stop him from making a very costly mistake in the very likely scenario that she’s not into him.

I love that 100% of Savage Love comment boards include someone saying, “Based on this guy’s brief description of this woman’s behavior, I think this woman is being deceptive.”

Re: WORK’s letter: “However, a few months ago she walked up to me out of the blue and said that she just wants platonic relationships with coworkers.”

Context is everything in relationships. Their understanding was casual fun sex. Either way for either of them, contacting the other party at work is perhaps not the best idea.

Same. I saw “vivacious” and knew exactly where we were headed.

I guess when you’re close to 60 there are some words you just automatically have to use...?

I’m hung up on the descriptor “vivacious”.

Now playing

“Stalking’s a very loaded term, I prefer to think of it as extreme liking.”

Randall, ungray me please! Be my champion!

Hopefully with it being the final season this one doesn’t get dragged out into a slog like the last one did.

Why do people think that characters in shows shouldn’t be capable of any of the atrocities that happen every day in real life? The criticism of last season was baffling to me. He did something terrible. The show recognizes that he did something terrible. Every single person surrounding him realized that he did

Or warn everyone that Farouk is going to corrupt them so they should probably not do things the way they did them the first time around...

For what it’s worth, the ranking here seems very distinctly off in several places. Not that I care, but my point is just that this doesn’t represent anything like a consensus list, and there are many sketches I consider funnier than Baby of the Year or Gift Receipt.

At this point AVC’s hype for this show looks a lot like shilling. It’s...just ok at best. Way too many of the sketches revolve around one character acting like a jerk and creating an absurd conflict that then plays out for two minutes, and those “fighting” sketches are some of the highest on your list.

Jon’s claim to the Iron Throne is not really “thanks to a patriarchal society”. His father, Rhaegon was the heir as oldest child and Daenerys the youngest surviving. Therefore Jon (Aegon) is first in the line of succession before Daenerys. If Sam Tarley hadn’t found proof that Rhaegon had his first marriage to Elia

They really should have just cut the dire wolves out of this show from the beginning.

Ugh this review is awful.  With literally two episodes left we have to bear PC virtue signalling about women of color and women dying?  Everyone dies on this show.  Dany IS one of the main characters.  What possible difference does it make is Missandrei lives or dies at this point?  They are all unemployed in two

One big tactical blunder occurs when Dany, driven back from her head-on attack on Euron’s fleet, fails to attack the ships from behind, where there are no crossbows. She could have easily incinerated the fleet, but flees instead. That moment had me practically hollering at the TV.

The only thing more frightening than the number of terrible pop culture pieces that are already being written around the phrase “Cocks matter” from tonight’s Game of Thrones episode is their assured dearth of quality.