

So where did everybody go? Is there anything out there that can replace the lost Disqus community?

I thought for sure that show would win tonight. Literally anything other than The Voice would have been a better outcome.

It is disheartening. But at least they got nomination this year. I was even more upset that the showrunners lost to the pilot episode of an adaptation. Maybe the Emmys should start separating those writing categories like the Oscars do.

Which Kyle MacLachlan character do you think will not win the Best Actor Emmy?

When oh when will Drag Race claim that big win?

Ann Dowd’s great in Handmaiden, but Thandie Newton got robbed.

Yesss! I found her reaction so adorable and so authentic. I was totally rooting for her! Although I do admit I loved her in the Leftovers more than the Handmaid’s Tale. But I loved the Leftovers over everything regardless.

Lol exactly! The Leftovers is better than every show nominated this year. Yes even better than the Handmaid’s Tale.

This year’s Best Drama Series *shouldn’t* be an unusually tough fight, but The Leftovers wasn’t nominated, so I guess it will be.

Did you guys know that Louis CK is rumored to masturbate in front of women comics? Nobody has actually accused Louis CK, and at least one prominent woman comic has stated that the allegations aren’t about him, but Gawker ran a blind item and then turned guesses into indictments, so it must be true. If you can’t trust

“It would be wrong to describe “Can’t Fight This Feeling” as “the Louis CK episode of One Mississippi.”

I’m getting annoyed with this Schrodinger’s Rumor. I wish it would either elevate to an accusation or fizzle out and be forgotten. Open the box, Louis.

Yeah, they nailed it exactly. Even the weird ADD digression about Suddenly Susan that loops back into Bojack telling himself how worthless he is. Everything always, always comes back to that when you’re depressed.

Completely agree with you while there are episodes that left me much more emotional or stunned at what has happened, mild spoiler but episode 11 could very well be the most devastating this show has produced, this is the episode I just connected with most because of how real and accurate it felt to have depression.

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it

do you...understand how criticism works?

Wasn’t Sarah Lynn’s (creepy) stepfather a bear?

BoJack is aware that his behavior hurts the people he cares about, and he feels guilty that they suffer as a result, and he’s finally working up the nerve to try and change that behavior. Part of his self-loathing feedback loop, and also his motivation for trying to break out of those destructive patterns, is that

Without going through all this point by point, I will say that I think the best thing that could happen to Bojack Horseman would be them occasionally doing episodes which were closer to an hour long, instead of always trying to wedge everything they’re doing into twenty-five minutes. Especially now that the show has