
In this very first episode of season 4, near the beginning, the bovine waitress Todd accidentally gave an $8m tip to at the end of last season served his table while wearing an ostentatious cape and crown. I can’t speak for you, but I found that to be quite the rib-tickler.

All I can think about when I see him now is when he was interviewing Tatiana Maslany and told her she was giving him a boner about two minutes into the conversation.

This article completely skims over his greatest accomplishment: bringing jorts into the mainstream.

...Guardians of the Galaxy was a character-driven drama that deconstructed science-fiction?

Member when Obama just sat in that kindergarten classroom while the twin towers were under attack? Pepperedge Farm remembers.

Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.


Not for me. I was ready for Jamie to kick the bucket several seasons ago so that was a disappointment for me. Damn Cersei for having a beating heart after all.

The thing is Jon was thrust into a very precarious situation. Suddenly bending the knee to Cersei after bending the knee to Daenerys thus betraying the lady with two living dragons doesn’t seem to be the wisest decision. Sure, Dany was all like, “I wish you wouldn’t have done that.” But, the last thing she did was

Although kinda pedestrian compared to undead dragon fire, I thought the White Walkers chose east watch due to its proximity to the sea, which would freeze over due to the harsh winter. And then they would simply walk across the frozen shore and around the wall.

I agree with your episode rating because I’m using your season rating as a baseline. Weakest moment was Theon manning-up (and winning) against a guy that could clearly kick his ass. Losing your franks and beans doesn’t mean you grow a liver of steel. That guy was twice his size and already beat him down. Theon

Yes, zombies can have extraordinary interpersonal communication. I recently read that in “The Journal of Psychiatry of the Undead.” Good read.

jon is the fucking worst

I think when you install the extension, you then have to click the “kinjamprove” button at the top of the comments for it to modify the layout as intended. So it takes the extra click, but then it definitely helps.

They need to kill the “moderator approval” delay if they want this place to flourish.

Dragonfire don’t melt steel beams.

Kinja is stupid. The end.

They’re portcullis or drawbridge chains from a long crumbled castle that used to exist north of the Wall somewhere.

There, now everyone can unclench their damned sphincters over this.

hahaha christ Kinja sucks...sorry! Sorry guys! *knocks everyone’s drinks over*

He truly is a wanker