I can't imagine being someone who gives two shits that this exists. This need on the right to make her look bad is simply pathetic.
I can't imagine being someone who gives two shits that this exists. This need on the right to make her look bad is simply pathetic.
Ooh, maybe they’ll arrest Giuliani on 9/11!
i’ve loved him ever since THIS:
the best is Pete Davidson playing himself on weekend update
Rudys fatter than she is and Trump is morbidly obese
It’s amazing that people who look Giuliani and Trump are confident enough to make fun of the way women look. And Hillary Clinton is far more attractive than they have ever been. Where does that kind of undeserved self esteem come from?
Says the man whose hairline is so disgusted with him that it’s literally running the other way off his head.
what’s “leftover pizza”?
You think a 14-year-old boy doesn’t know about hand jobs..?
Maybe your son would be more comfortable with the “How to Eat Ass” post.
What are you doing, John Goodman? :(
Those pictures are going to make me cry.
This is the ad Tom Steyer is running (very regularly in high-dollar California markets). Nothing about him could be remotely described as “wacky and totally unhinged” (except by those who are projecting):
the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.
I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.
Boy I sure am glad we avoided the corrupt-as-all-hell Hillary Clinton!
Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this…
Megyn Kelly flopping like shit is one of the top 5 bright spots of 2017.