Thank you, sweet tagging Prince.
Thank you, sweet tagging Prince.
Between this and the newly released video of the cops opening fire on the car with the 6 year old inside and killing him, everything just seems to fucking suck more than normal these days.
Personally, I can’t wait for Kellyanne Conway to jump ship.
I was up at 3:30am this morning because I couldn’t sleep. I an so sick about Trump and the fact that I know people who are voting for him. I unfriended my cousin’s piece of shit husband who basically likes to argue black people get themselves shot and Trump is better than Hillary. I’m done being fucking civil to these…
To be fair, that matches up with the people he’s writing to.
He probably uses software like TweetDeck to schedule them to go out at certain times just to fuck with us.
my worst Miss U.
Jeb is a MESS
Fuck Chuck Todd, who just referred to Clinton as “over-prepared.” As if that has ever been a thing.
If he has Huntington’s, his doctor lied about his health.
As a resident of the west side of Chicago, I was particularly infuriated by his using our city as an “example.” We hate his gross building. We in the “inner city”-- which, fuck you very much-- don’t think the solution to crime, let alone long-held racism and cronyism, is any of the shit he thinks will “fix” our …
I loved watching Trump tie himself into a Gordian knot trying to explain his stances on his tax returns, support for the Iraq war, and birtherism.
This is by far one of the most minor examples of Clinton’s dominating Trump, but I like to think her “Between Two Ferns” reference to his “red power tie” led to his stylists’ choosing blue tonight.
Naw, I want them to wear shock collars connected to lie detector’s & have them get jolted if they lie OR are proven wrong.
Fuck that noise!
Uh, did you actually read the article?
Oh, good. Proud Know-Nothing inserts himself and his bland platitudes into the most complex diplomatic situation in the world. This will surely end well.