She’s nearly at $5.3 million now and everytime I refresh the page, the amount increases.
She’s nearly at $5.3 million now and everytime I refresh the page, the amount increases.
That said, I’m never going to walk back my comment or sentiment. Fuck Pence sideways with a 2x4. A splintered one.
Plagiaristic and golddiggerish
Not necessarily one of her students though... it could be any student in the school
I was struggling to come up with an idea for dinner last night - husband wanted a baked potato - so I decided to just make a simple meatloaf. I decided to make mini-loaves and a google search came up with her recipe. It was the best fucking meatloaf ever... her recipes never fail.
It was the end of the school year, 9th grade. A friend’s parents were out of town so he decided to throw a keg party. I had drink before, but had never been trashed... this was my night! As I started to get buzzed, some of the fuckstick guys decided to keep plying me with more and more beer... less than 90 minutes…
We went to see Bob Weir about 2 weeks ago (hubby is a fan of the Grateful Dead). As we were enjoying a pre show beer, a guy wearing one of these hats walked over to near where we were standing and just stood there, leaning against the railing. I debated ripping it off his head and throwing it over the railing to the…
So much Grey Goose...
TV that grabs you by the pussy
We were having dinner at a restaurant in Virginia Beach about 20 years ago, and Pat Robertson was sitting at the next table. Dude put butter on his hush puppies. That really freaked me out for some reason.
Trump only knows and uses the best words... contra isn’t in his third grade vocabulary list
Is it Mike Damone’s 5 point plan?
Orange anal gland pus has a nice ring to it, too
This really bothered me when I learned (yesterday) that he had three daughters at the time this was taped. I’ve never liked Billy Bush, always thought he came across as a frat boy, and these revelations cemented my opinion.
Same. We went to the game in Philly on Saturday and saw them clinch. Hoping for a win tonight, but as a lifelong Mets fan, I know better than to have any expectations.