
They really, really do. It drives me nuts.

Jesus, obviously.

Let us know what the Google Oracle reveals to you!

I can't* wait until Colorado's teen birth rate spikes back up again after that awesome privately-funded birth control program is finished.


Totally agree. (Also you should not be gray here!)

Very true. I guess I just shy away from the loaded term "birther" because of the extremist thinking it connotes, thanks to that ill-educated faction of our nation that thinks Obama is a Kenya-born, Muslim-bred terrorist sleeper agent.

Anti-choice. They are not pro-life. They are anti-choice.

I will believe it when I see it. I think he's bored with ASOIAF and provoking his readers is one of his few remaining pleasures in this storyverse. But that's just my unprovable theory.

I am really not seeing the "beginning to delta back in." This story is sprawling ever-outward. Where, exactly, have we seen evidence that it is beginning to contract?

*high five* It was a definite instant classic. I feel like I've served the community by bringing it up again.

There's really no creative limit to what can be done well. I think there are fan writers out there who are better than pro writers.

I did not know this!

I, uh, ...

A brilliant Jezzie said the other day that it looked like his cheeks were trying to run away from all the crazy shit coming out of his mouth. I wish I recalled who said it so I could credit them.

For its, uh, literary value. Yes. A comparative study. Perfectly benign.

AO3 already has a tag for the Sherlock crossovers. Or will soon.

And Hiddles as Baloo? Peak sexy!

I think that absolutely qualifies as "enthusiastic consent." Do it!

Happy ending story. <3