
This is getting fucking ridiculous, America.

I just read The Suffragette Scandal today. I literally squeed aloud with triumphant joy when I saw that she was taking two supporting characters in a direction I had been hoping for ever since The Heiress Effect. I love Courtney Milan so hard. The last book in the series comes out in two weeks. I can't wait for it.

Seconding this request and commenting to bump.

Fortunately, along came an awesome remake called "Penny Dreadful"! ;D

When are you going to write your confessional post detailing which fandoms and ships of which you read the fanfic?

He's younger than Claire and Jamie. But yeah.

I just want him to find what Claire and Jamie have. I want it so hard.

I'm living internet-stranger proof that it's possible to love the books and loathe Jamie Frasier. Honestly, it gets better because after the first two books the cast of main characters widens so much and you meet all these other awesome characters and Jamie is just one of many. I can't stand Jamie because he's a

I can smell the Oscar bait already.

I couldn't agree more.

I'm worried about this movie.

Congratulations, I guess?

I agree wholeheartedly with Dawkins' virulent antipathy towards religion. I wish he would confine his clever brain to writing about science and religion, and we could all go home happy. His MRA fanclub is harming atheism and feminism and it is impeding sincere communication across social factions.

The Dawkins phase usually comes after the Ayn Rand phase. If you make it through, you get to the NdGT phase, where the cookies are delicious.

I loved The God Delusion. But this man is problematic.

There's a joke about muffin bottoming here somewhere.


Ha! Which time are you talking about?

Anna Chancellor is the best!

It might be "sponser an African child with flies buzzing around their eyes serif."