
Thanks for bellowing, Burt!

Your gay _____ ?

I see that India's bureaucracy has moved straight from denial to bargaining in the five stages of accepting rape.

So she purports to have satirized the objectification of women for reasons that include, but certainly aren't limited to, standards of beauty. And she does so by hiding herself and presenting pretty objects instead?


Reported. That is the most disgustingly reductive list of options for "What's wrong with this page."

And cats of course, right? I'll bring mine!

Welp. Put me out to pasture, then.

I want to know what the Dorian Gray-style family portrait stashed in the attic is looking like by now.

Perhaps Hamas has its very own Megyn Kelly now. Smart, pretty, and on a very short leash. I hope there's more to it than that, though!

Hold on to that one!

The way 2013 is going for women..those will be headlines, for sure.

And this, folks, is why nude shoes and blood-red nail varnish were invented.

Religion is my dealbreaker. Do you find it difficult to exercise restraint in not quipping back with "So you don't REALLY believe in the invisible man in the sky, right"?

Yep. A short- and medium-term defeat and - hopefully - a long-term victory. It's fortunate that this GOP fuckup fits into a nice, compact, unambiguous message:

Me. Too.

Plot Protection scholarship...

Oh, I think there's someone there who's female. Female and badass, and not going to live like a dusty old monk when she's got her chain, either.