
Is it a generational thing? Sort of like how the nutters who watch Fox news are largely the aging/aged crowd?

Because men have their tongues and vocal chords surgically removed at the age of 12.

I hoped it was some exotic Nordic microbrew import, before I realized it was the scribework of an imaginative troglodyte.

[wrong thread]

Welp, that explains Google's haste to promote the other meaning of literal - the hyperbolic literary device one.


Understandable. They both have sparkling wit.

Awesome punchlines.

So many Jezebel comments begin with "I'm not a legal expert, but..."

Yep. It's not hypocrisy if you're cut from the same cloth.

They're poly.

My daily prescribed happy pill is an ODT, which means orally disintegrating tablet. It's disgusting, but required for my mental well-being. Every morning I look at it in disgust, screw up my nose, pop that thing in my mouth, and say out loud with exaggerated relish, "Tastes like stability!"

ONLY addressing the dandruff you mention: I have psoriasis on my scalp and I use Neutrogena T/Gel and T/Sal to keep the evil flakies away. As far as products for the "anti-dandruff" market, this shit's your best bet. That said, I'm a whitie with plain, straight, uncomplicated tresses, so I can't speak for what that

Smiling is fucking exhausting.

1. Is the GRE the only test your school(s) will accept? I started studying for the GRE, realized my school would accept the MAT, and switched over to studying for that, which I rocked at (it's liberal arts-friendly, but it's definitely not for everyone).

Yup. I clicked and now I feel dirty and used.

Well that's cuz Sandy Hook was an isolated incident. Kermit Gosnell is every abortuary evar. /sarcasm, in case that wasn't clear

It's like he ripped all of his vocabulary and grammar from bad fan-fiction.

I'm a perfidious, fair-weather Plastic who left Stewart for Colbert when I decided that the latter was cooler and had cooler toys to laugh over.

At home: A large glass of dry red, like a Malbec or Sangiovese.