
As we search for a talented reviews editor, we’re going to torture all of you with this borderline racist pile of trash writer no one on the planet ever heard of before, yet somehow has been working as a car reviewer for aparently one day too long.

This thing looks 10 years old.

Considering you can get a 99-01 with 85k miles on it, no paint issues and services records... for $15k, I don’t think anything was stolen.

Unless you’re shooting a fucking drift competition (aka 99.99999% car photos taken) you want to turn the wheel so the face of the rim is facing the camera.

Three quarters of a million for a Corvette....

These people (who happen to be women) may be wrong, but that does not make them bitches, and saying they need to get laid is sexist, obnoxious, and indicative of your misogyny. Please try to be civil.

If that is the case the dashcam owner practices backwards courtesy which is a leading cause of congestion, annoyance, and collisions. Backward courtesy is where the person practicing it decides to be nice to person A at the expense of person B instead of following the written rules of the road.

That’s insane for $17k...

I think he takes ‘hoist’ as in having to support the engine in some way when you remove the passenger side engine mount.

Yo, we ...

I want to love it, because it is one of the most iconic movie cars ever in my books, but on the other side I can’t because it weirdly became a replica of itself during the restoration.

Correct. But, again, you aren’t seeing or touching anything that was actually on film. I get that *structurally* it’s still the same vehicle, but you are buying it because it’s an iconic car that was in an iconic movie. With that idea, I don’t think you can put your hands on anything that you actually see on film

Everything aside from the glass has been taken off and replaced (and I’m not even so sure that is original). The sheet metal may be the same underneath, but there is very-little-to-nothing you can physically touch that has actually been on camera or has come in contact with anyone associated with the films.

So there’s basically nothing original on or in it that was actually in the movie, aside from the VIN? It’s pretty much a replica, at this point, honestly.

The sad thing is that this car is now finished to a higher standard than it ever was when it left the AMC factory. Malaise years, indeed..!

You don’t have to hoist the engine but you do have to remove the motor mounts and jack it up a bit. It’s not the hardest job in the world but it seems like they could have made it easier.

I wish cars could still be classy and simple. Now we are stuck with normal cars that are covered in so much surfacing that they take on weird shapes.

Boring? Beautiful. Simple, and elegant. I still love that generation of Jetta whenever I see one on the road. Sadly there aren’t many left running.

It’s not even I-76 in the video. It’s Roosevelt Blvd (rt 1).