
I came here to post this. One of the best punk albums ever released. Taking that picture was somewhat of a feat from what I heard. They wanted the speedo to be reading exactly 55, they wanted to be passing the San Pedro sign, and catch Watt’s face in the rearview.

When I first read it, I was thinking you meant billions of people will be lost.

CA engine swap rules / non-rolling 25 year old exemption.

Except CarMax which closes the gates, has no tresspassing signs, and security to keep you off the lot.

Netflix. Seriously, they are on there.

His main channel has 4.7 million subscribers...

His channel is the Balance Bracelets of science.

And the thing is, people will buy his explanation as he is “an authority” on how things work due to his pseudo-science channel. Cross sections are cool, but cross sections don’t always show you how things work. And then he gives a vauge and incorrect explanation of what is inside, but it is mostly just him and his

So the normal What’s Inside channel is claiming to be a pseudo-science channel but it is just dumbing down science. It acts like everything is a box that contains magic, and the only way in is to cut into it. Sometimes cross sections are cool and can explain a lot, but a lot of times it isn’t impressive and it does

I stand up right away and stand in the aisle as there is always someone in a row or two behind you that wants to sneak past your row.

12:30 pm is a great time to work on cars, right in the middle of the day. Get bent.

It was a yellow onion because of the war.

Miatas are way cooler than scooters, especially when not stock

Yes, and instead of calling the car “Herbie” the car was called “Harrold.”

I will put money on it that Herbie isn’t even a Beetle. It will be a new Mini Cooper, a Prius or a refrigerator.

Cars Miatas: they are just motorcycles with four wheels instead of two. Prove me wrong.

Is it a valet garage? Does the owner remember any details of what the garage looked like? If you go to Google Maps, go to the Empire State building, you can search for parking garages and look at pictures of all the entrances as a list. Should at least be able to narrow it down to a few garages to check.

Inflation got out of control very quickly. After printing a 100 Trillion Dollar bill, and it quickly not having enough buying power, Zimbabwe gave up and just used foreign currency, I think USD, pounds and euros are accepted.

It is still a better deal than this one:

Testerossa is not a V12... it is a flat 12.