
Seeing this reminds me how glad I am that they sanitized Tintin for the CGI movie years back. That shit got friggin’ RACIST.

Ever notice that the cable “education” channels that were touted as a market-driven replacement for PBS like History, Discovery, TLC. etc. have all turned in to homes for crappy reality shows, conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? I guess that pays better than boring old facts and science. 

His name isn’t DaGrownAssManWhoTakesResponsibilityForHisActions

Yeah! Everyone give your money to your abusers! They may be bad for abusing you but you're worse for being mad about it!

He didn’t cut her off, either - he says that he helped her out when she had trouble with the IRS, which is frankly a much bigger deal than buying her expensive toys.

Kids are the worst.

Not really - sometimes cutting ties with abusive people is the most mature move available.

Nah. And I’m sure there are more instances like that behind the “straw that broke the camel’s back.

Not really. If she didn’t support him, why should he support her?

I mean it depends on if it was a one-off or typical of their relationship. If she was indeed a toxic parent, I can understand him not wanting to have anything to do with her (the usual caveats about Tarantino being a Weinstein enabler who puts his actresses in unecessary danger aside)

Birds of Prey suffered from too much Harley because they made the title Birds of Prey. Remove the promise of an ensemble piece and you've got a solid Harley Quinn movie that just happens to set up a future true team movie.

I *really* wish they had taken more cues for King Shark from the Harly animated series.

I thought he was fine, but that character has potential.

Two things: 1) grownups are rarely able to manage their personal lives, whether they have money or not. And b) “engaging in behavior that may compromise you” is incredibly broad, vague, and subjective. Meaning it could be anything these days.

I can’t tell from text whether the perceived injury is from emotional dishonesty or physical assault or sexual coercion. None of which are good,but are substantially different from one another.

I have been around Depp a bit (like 15 years ago) but we were smoking so it was hard to be sure, but from what I could tell he smells like he looks.

Hey, everybody, let’s all call Bob Odenkirk a piece of shit! It’s what he wants! (Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well.)

but as the audio is in Swedish—Kinnaman is Swedish-American, and Davis (whose birth name is Gabriella Magnusson) is Swedish-Jamaican—it’s difficult at present to verify what’s being said.

Now, The Lord said: I Am The Light of The World. But he could have just as easily said: I Am King Sh*t of F*ck Mountain, why would you f*ck with me!?!?” - Bob Odenkirk

Classism, racism, and fat-shaming, all in one post? My friend, you’ve hit MAGA BINGO!

Having worked from home from going on 6 years now, I’ve loved having the luxury of taking *more* (not less! LOL) showers and whenever I want. Specifically I just time my showers to be after I poop, so usually twice a day for me.