
This episode brought a new depth to the Any/Holt relationship for me too. Her early season obsession with his approval makes more sense after a mentor betrayed her. He’s not just as straitlaced as she is, he’s also safe for her cause he’s gay, so Amy can trust his approval doesn’t have an ulterior motive.

What an interesting inverse of what happened to the Judy Garland A Star Is Born. It started with about 20 minutes of additional time, but was so popular distributors asked to cut it down so they could run it more often. Nobody kept the cut footage 😢

Dobie pads! They have a rigid, knit plastic covering the gross part and don't scrub too hard. Yes, they get gross and cut up over months, but if you keep a "good" one and a super-greasy, burnt stuff one they last forever and are reasonably pleasant

Counterquestion: what is Office Space a legacy of? One high school English teacher of mine screened it in class as a companion to the Melville story Bartleby the Scrivener. Not sure if they're actually related, but it did drive home that busywork ennui is as old as time

It’s by Eva Ibbotson. Basically, a very dreamy evil warlock holds a contest to find a similarly magical, evil wife, but accidentally falls in love with a good witch. I haven’t read it since I was a kid, but I remember it being charming. Ibbotson is a really enjoyable author, kind of Roald Dahl-esque with more of a

But even EGOTing won't ensure people remember how to spell your name 20 years after you die. (I assume Audrey Helburn is the raucous, bar brawling cousin of Audrey Hepburn)

As someone with a similar family history, albeit a generation removed, on the one hand, it’s good someone is telling that story. On the other, NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! I could not watch this.

May I recommend the prequel novelizations? They smooth out the pacing, dialogue, and bad acting problems, add lots of politics and have the Yoda characterization that makes how he acts in Last Jedi make sense.

It doesn’t make sense because there’s no hints Padme was Force-sensitive. But I do think they’re thinking about her! When Rey gets negged by Kylo and turns him down, she takes a different path than the one Padme was forced down. Plus Leia comes *this close* to Padme’s legacy in Princess of Alderaan. I’d love for her

They don’t use the real names because Girl Scout cookies have two different bakers, which use different names for every cookie other than Thin Mints. (The years I had to buy Caramel Delites instead of Samoas were dark times, they’re just not the same)

A Japanese style mandoline slicer. Sturdier, cheaper and easier to clean than a food processor, and makes so many vegetable dishes easier to make.

I'm really looking forward to giving some young cousins of mine my old video games this Christmas. They're far enough apart in age that the youngest constantly loses competitive multiplayer, so I'm giving them Rayman Origins and Super Mario Galaxy to make sure he gets to play without feeling bad about himself.

So, David Tennant is pretty much playing a mechanical version of Ollivander?

Start Menu: Still a slightly circular theme and similar coloring to fit in. Best I could do with the limited selection.

Start Menu:

Desktop: A more minimal picture on the same theme to be less distracting

Start screen: (flipped vertically and horizontally so the information isn't in a busy part of the picture)

It's not pretty, but two metal bookends with felt taped to the insides do the same job equally well for about a buck, plus they're adaptable to any device or combination of devices less than 5 inches total. (I keep my Lenovo laptop and e-reader upright on my desk like that)

I agree that it's a minuscule improvement in its current form, but Apple's ecosystem of devices could really benefit from it. For instance, you could charge your phone, tablet or iPod just by sitting it close to your laptop. Same thing goes for NFC capabilities, like being able to instantly share things like contact