Let me out

Shut up.

The dude was the trainer for the US Gymnastics team. But yeah, slag on the midwest.

Maybe you should’ve been paying attention for the last fucking year?

I have an irrational dislike of Sarah Paulson because she failed to live up to Paula Marshall. I have judged her and found her wanting.

It did! It really goddamn did.

Is this going to be like AV Undercover where you ask for suggestions and then never tell us what you picked? Are the 11 Questions articles this year just going to be answers from people to questions we never get to hear?

The Persecution and Assassination of Cam Newton as Performed by the Officials of the National Football League Under the Direction of Roger Goodell.

The Assassination of Cam Newton by the Cowardly Concussion Protocol

Find me a critique of this site that doesn’t read like entitled bitching, and I’ll use a different word.

I wish everyone would stop acting like this was unique to the AV Club. Look around at the internet. It’s all broken. You cannot publish as much content as you want and pay writers. It’s not possible anymore. So yes, the AV Club is more clickbaity, but that’s because almost two decades ago, people went all-in on

Hot damn.

Yeah. You’re right. There is a pizza chain agenda lurking in the hearts of the editors at AV Club. You sussed it out. You fucking genius.

New Trek is on a streaming service that only makes sense to buy for Trek. In which case, it will make most sense to buy the service for 1 month when the series is over, as opposed to now and get charged for multiple months.

I am 100% here for any article you want to post that takes a shot at Funny People.

Shh. If you say P*te and P*te, Marah Eakin will write 40 new articles about it.

“The longer you live in the past”

*throws a Klan rally; fucks a Confederate statue*

Hi. Southside resident here. Go fuck yourself.

I got a few Lafco candles for Christmas last year that were amazing. There was a line of theirs based around rooms of a house. Really, really great scents.

I got a few Lafco candles for Christmas last year that were amazing. There was a line of theirs based around rooms