you know, this is how I felt about all the OWS criticism, too, so I guess I feel a little better about the Kony slacktivism now.
you know, this is how I felt about all the OWS criticism, too, so I guess I feel a little better about the Kony slacktivism now.
see, while I far prefer Demi's posing, I hate the orange tone (even the whites of her eyes are yellow). I think Jessica's color-correction was done better.
she only announced in October, right? I seem to remember thinking her "mummy" costume was a genius way to spread the word.
I know that this is a pretty obvious homage (they even put a similar ring on the same finger) but these images are just SO different. Demi's feels so much more natural and content, proud, where Jessica's is more airbrushed, hair-blowing, sexy-face eye contact. She doesn't feel relaxed or happy to me. She's still…
I work freelance, and my boss is pretty cool, so I pretty much pick the worst day or two of each period to curl up on the couch with Star Trek and cookies. Monthly reprieve!
I once went to a superhero-themed party with the bf where we'd dressed as Hulk and She-Hulk (I had the punchy Hulk fists that yelled when you hit things.) and had covered ourselves in green grease-paint and green hairspray. What a mistake. Grease pain is nothing if not uncomfortable and sweaty and difficult to remove.…
I'm totally stealing this. I hope you don't mind. The bf and I are tried and true menstrual-euphamism stealers. (Although "Well at least I'm not pregnant." is another favorite, usually after I've blurted out the many, many things bothering me on that particular day.) Early in our relationship he told me the story of…
I agree. I think people are crazy to be like "ew period sex gross" - everything is more sensitive (including emotions, ugh) and that can be both awesome and sometimes too much.
I actually do find it a little communal/bonding when I'm menstruating at the same time as other women in my life. For example right now, I work out of my boss' home with 2 other editors, one of which is female. Between me, her, and boss' wife, we're all synced up, so there's an understanding and a camaraderie when we…
oh I know. it's a pattern. I got my S90 3 days before they announced the S95, but it was a birthday present (I'd picked it out myself) and now the 5DII I've been waiting on for a few months. it's my payment for a job I'm doing, so I didn't exactly drop the money on it myself, but the client got it for like $2200…
I just got my brand new markII body days ago, so thank you for making me feel slightly less left out of the excitement. SEE? I WAS RIGHT TO GET THE PREVIOUS VERSION ANYWAY, SO HAH! just don't tell me how much the markII price drops...
as soon as I saw the "you wouldn't hit a woman!" "THAT'S A WOMAN?!" exchange in the previews, I knew this was going to be awful and completely off the mark. I have absolutely no interest in supporting this bullshit movie.
oh trust me, I know. I'm the obnoxious person that argues with my friends who just don't want to vote at all because they don't especially like the options. I'm scared the electorate won't show up even as much as it did in the last 2 presidential elections. people get burned out on politics so quickly lately (hence…
ooh! are you using the PK mount on your 7D? or is it the screw mount? I just got my 5DmkII (yay!) and have no money left for lenses, but I do have a Pentax-M 50mm 1.4 I'm hoping to adapt. (of course, the full-frame body has an issue with the mirror and an aperture lever that supposedly the crop sensors don't have a…
yay Lautenberg! a NJ politician that doesn't make me want to tear my eyes out (honorable mention to Bob Menendez, too, and Jennifer Beck in the R camp. I swear we didn't all vote for Chrises Christie or Smith!)
I think about this all the time. Bush was such a detriment to the US. I nearly cried when he got re-elected, but you know what? He was the fucking president. Probably our worst, but still, the jokes on the opposing team never really went past his dumb antics, maybe big ears. We giggled a little when he choked on a…
I shamefully admit I checked my local Claires. the fishbone, the moustache, the glasses were all there, but no dinosaur. I asked and she said there had been a pink one. for the $7 (I assume the fish & dino were the same price), I'm sure you could find a way to change the color.
I do wonder if part of what happens to black actresses is that because there are so few roles, relative to white female parts, that casting agents are less likely to go for these successful actresses out of fear of "tokenism" (or at least being accused of it - oh, you need a black female for once? why is it always…
my last name is 9 letters, his is 11. and they start with the same letter, which just makes it even more tongue-twistery. no hyphens for me!