between the helicopter shot, Merle, and Darryl's screaming in the woods, that was one of their most misleading exciting previews this season for me.
between the helicopter shot, Merle, and Darryl's screaming in the woods, that was one of their most misleading exciting previews this season for me.
I was prepared to be pissed because I like his character, but also not-pissed, because goddamn something crazy needed to happen, and if it was gonna have to be Darryl's sudden departure and a bunch of unanswered questions about where he'd been or why he had Sophia's doll, and maybe even the lingering possibility of…
I recently bought myself an adorable (working!) vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster from a local antique shop for $20, and have been dreaming of pulling it apart and painting it a funky color. I now realize this is what I need to do with it (or maybe a Batgirl version...'60s purple-yellow with red wig Batgirl)
I only ask this because the 1985 Alice is on here, but I have somewhere a VHS from my childhood of a live-action Alice movie my parents or grandmother recorded when it aired, and I cannot for the life of me find the details about it. It also featured the pig baby, as well as an EPIC stormy battle between Tweedle Dee…
it means you're supposed to make a wish. you always make a wish at 11:11, so 11:11 on 11/11/11 means ULTIMATE WISH
I wonder what Rob Lowe's tweet is about, specifically. I don't watch much ESPN, but it was on at the pizza place where I got my lunch yesterday, and I saw a guy that I really liked, basically saying "why are we even asking about a football game right now? this is about these kids!" - maybe there was something else…
when my bf and I met I lived in apartment 1212, so I thought it would be awesome to get married on 12/12/12, but between the lack of engagement (*shakes fist*) and the fact that that's a Wednesday, I'm thinking it's not gonna happen.
the home intruders I think know they're dead and were fucking with her. the "I'm hurt" ruse was to get into the house, and they didn't attack her. or they're in sort of a "replaying" ghost role where they aren't quite aware of anything, just replaying life to an extent - does that make sense? I think the doctor is…
What I hope we will find out is why is this house so utterly evil?
he was saying it was in poor taste to fire JoePa and that whoever did so had no class, that it was an insult to the coach.
no worries, I'm a trivial argumenter as well (I'm that person that looks up pretty much every FB meme on Snopes just so I can inform people that "Ben Stein never actually said that" or "there are 5 full weekends in July pretty often actually")
getting our tree every year is one of my favorite parts of xmas. my family gets together and goes to a local tree farm. my brother and I take turns each year, one of us cuts the tree down and the other carries it. dad ties it on the car while we warm up with hot apple cider and funnel cake. last year we even brought…
I have a lot of thoughts on this, but mostly I'm annoyed at the reactionary headlines and comments and guffaws this poll is garnering. I'd guess from my own experience that a lot of responders are choosing the more socially available and up-to-date companies over ones who offer more money not because "har har kids…
I never know if I count as a side sleeper or a stomach sleeper. I lay with the "bottom" leg (if I were completely on my side) straight, and the "top" leg is bent, with my foot hooked on the other leg...kind of like a flamingo. my head is turned to face the same direction my knees are pointing, but my shoulders are…
I never remember when my last period was. thank goodness for smartphones and apps for everything.
wow Devon Sawa, that was the most original, hilarious joke I've ever read.
I have had cotton candy vodka and it is delicious. I hear wonderful things about the whipped cream vodka as well, so I see no reason why I wouldn't love marshmallow vodka.
seriously! and the same circle about SNL that typed "mad" didn't even bother to finish the sentence. it just ends "host the"
I'm moving in a little over a month, and I'm starting to think ahead about "cleaning house" as in getting rid of stuff. I have a tendency to just throw everything into boxes telling myself I'll sort it later, and then I end up with boxes of crap that I obviously don't use often enough, but a lot of it I can't stand to…
you know how when you read/hear about an injury, sometimes you imagine it happening to you and that part of your body, like, winces?