
if she's an agent that deals with Broadway shows, she may be looking for dancers who can act and/or sing. I got nothin' on the moms though.

my boyfriend was once legitimately late to a friend's bday party because his turtle ran away. he was supposed to pick me up, but I wanted to be on time, so I got another ride.

I feel the same way. the non-PMSing part of me thinks "I should just buy whatever's cheapest, and biodegradable!" but I never buy tampons/pads until I've run out and need them rightnow, and it just makes those few seconds happier and more comfortable to have a shiny plastic applicator and cute packaging.

this is my spoilers story.

dude, I totally knew Dumbledore was gonna die, but I was dead set on enjoying the movies before reading the books, so I didn't know when or who. while watching with a few friends who knew this well (I must have said it 3 times while watching), my one ditzy friend "forgot" and yelled at Snape on the TV "yeah, so you

I think that, very simply, anyone who believes women are equal to men and deserve to be treated no differently than one would treat a man, is a feminist. Yes, you can go further, but it's a belief system and there are levels. If this person is treating women with the respect he would men, despite their socioeconomic

I can't even count how many times I just watched that. my boyfriend is suddenly inferior. thanks a lot, Gosling!

I've been increasingly interested in the nutrition sections of restaurant websites recently, and those in particular have been sometimes surprisingly delightful. A lot just post big info charts, or allow you to download a PDF, it's true, but others are more helpful. Panera, Wendy's, Red Robin for example, each have

breast bounce like that is painful as hell. I feel for that poor girl and her strained efforts to smile.

I do this as well, but was sort of strangely pleasantly surprised when my male coworker pointed out a guy the other day and asked if he looked that skinny. I guess it's not awesome for more people to have body image issues, but I suddenly felt not so weird/alone.

a couple of friends and I are doing Weight Watchers together, and while we're not exactly hiding our numbers from one another, we're not going out of our way to share them either, but I have peeked over at my one friend's card. I've always suspected we were about the same weight/size, but our shapes are so drastically

are men not included? (I'm waiting until I go home to check out the site) it would be cool for them to see bodies like their own as well. my coworker just this weekend, a slender guy, pointed out another man and asked me "do I look that skinny?" and when I said he pretty much did, he seemed pleased (really, I didn't

As the commercial started, my bff was leaving after watching Project Runway, and I flipped the channel. She stopped me. "GO BACK GO BACK" and all we got was "...I've eaten almost a pound by now." or something to that effect. "NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW, THANKS A LOT!" my bff said, as melodramatically as possible, and went

I haven't been convinced that most of the stories on this show are truly "addictions"

I was actually totally wondering, because I assumed it couldn't be good, but I'm almost relieved to find it's worse than I'd imagined. I'm more grossed out by the weight difference, and then the subsequent realization that she's not just consuming him, she's also pooping him out. I feel like that would deter even a

speaking as someone using DSLRs for filmmaking (which I can only hope this app would be useful for, but it may be stills-only, I honestly haven't watched the video yet), the compact size and ability to fit the camera into places a large video camera or I, myself, can't go, is a huge benefit. there have been plenty of

I just appreciated the explanation of that strange line going up her belly in that picture up top. I wondered if it was a mic wire, but then worried about the concept of having a production assistant fish a transmitter out of your cooch. it's actually a relief to know it's just pantyhose seam (and also why her legs

I wave super enthusiastically and make "OMG IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU" faces when I pass people who are pissing me off, or when jerkwads who are riding my ass for no good reason other than I'm only doing 75 and they want to go 90 finally pass me.

I don't know when you tried Weight Watchers, but you might be pleased to know that since the most recent update, there has been a major push (at least from my understanding, in my meetings) to add healthy fats and proteins and choose those items, even if they are higher in points, because the body uses them more

But I'm also white, so I'm not in a position to judge her feelings about the whole thing either.