
I am sort of devastated at times that, as a redhead, I've fallen in love with a man that likely does not carry the recessive gene as well (Italian + Colombian)

"People with red hair often feel it to be an integral part of their identity, a source of pride or irritation or simply something that strangers, annoyingly, talk about all the time."

I swear I just tried to post something similar in tips. Supposedly she's doing it on Facebook, too.

I never really attached to Mr. Rogers the way I did to Sesame Street, but my brother did, and my mom did when she was young. My mom was born with a hearing impairment, and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood was one of the only shows she could really follow, because of how clearly and deliberately he speaks. For that alone, I'm

FYI, there is already another, very similar but separate (free) app called "ElectricSleep". it has a little green sheep face logo with a lightning bolt.

You know what I liked? I think it was Pedigree, doing a commercial about an initiative to donate a certain amount of their profits to shelters, and they showed the happy dogs & cats who found or would find homes. They showed success stories.

this is everything I was thinking. I'm sure WW has their negative aspects, but I really appreciated the way they worked when I went through the program, and being able to speak to literally everyone there about what I was going through and what to expect, all the way through to the end, was fantastic.

Update: I did email him anyway. I had too much to say to burden some sap answering phones with. I doubt it will make much difference, but it felt necessary.

aw crap, I hate my House rep. I like emailing my senators because they are both usually in line with what I believe anyway, but I've got stupid Chris Smith in the House, who is the very jerk responsible for this bill. I doubt a phone call would do much to sway him. uck uck ew I'm so disgusted with my district.

except 6, where she's borrowing dad's hoodie (oh if only I knew I was such a trendsetter, wearing my dad's ridiculously oversized winter coat in high school)

at the end of the video, actually. there are even multiple options!

wear the last few shirts?

oh, what a roller-coaster of emotions. first, I was annoyed. but then I chuckled at the first "...and fat" and was annoyed again by the next. by the time we reached the thongs, I was seeing it as a daily affirmation for a woman struggling with body-image during pregnancy. but the buttons didn't help that argument. the

When I was in high school, I never felt like the cute girly type, so I was pretty hung up on being the opposite, proving how tough I was. I took weight-lifting in gym, and I decided to join the school wrestling team with a guy friend (we already had a close friend on the team and thought it would be great to start up

I can't even be upset about this because he's obviously having such a blast and is really, really into it. Is it weird and questionable that his parents put it online? Maybe a little, but people put all kinds of questionable things online, and this is at least one of the more joyous and, dare I say, hopeful? As in, I

I totally agree that the brunt of the blame here belongs to Rolling Stone for asking this kid questions like this. The only difference I see in the quote change though is slightly less assuredness in his answer, but it's still just awful. I guess we can't be totally mad at the kid, because he doesn't know and is just

is there any actual potential benefit over the Google Maps + Navigation that comes with Android phones? I'm all for having options, but heck, my phone came with VZNavigator, too, but luckily I already know how much that sucks (and still can't get rid of it without rooting). Google Nav has been better than any

Does anyone know what breed the dog receiving a belly rub is? He has a similarity to my mom's dog (who we're sure is a mix but not sure what he's a mix of - probably belgian shepherd & maybe this cute thing)

UGH I was in the city with my bff yesterday, we were in Penn Station, right under MSG - we SHOULD have gone! I just worried we'd pay to get in and it would be boring or something (we paid $13 for a pet expo in Edison last weekend and it was pretty "meh" minus a frisbee show and giggling at people's pups).

I LOVE watching the impeccably-groomed pekingese flop around the floor! HILARIOUS