
d'aww I love this. especially the print-out part - it's like a guest-book!

Saw a billboard driving through NYC the other day that has a picture of Ken with a note...something like "Barbie, we may be plastic but our love is real!"

No way was this the first year for the hamster blimp! I could have sworn I've seen it in the past. And WHERE are the chicken cheerleaders? Is it me, or were there bunnies somewhere in the past as well?

also no temperature settings in white balance. this is a major problem for me, as a 7D/5DII user. a different button layout I can get used to, but not when some things are missing and others look like they'll require extra steps so I can't change on the fly.

ditto to this. and actually, in my experience, you're better off dropping the contrast at least and bringing it back up where you want it in post. it may seem counter-intuitive, but you can add contrast when you want it, you can't take it away if it blacks out your details, etc.

correction: DSLRs are about image quality, and I want great image quality in my video too, thanksverymuch.

if you're using FCP to edit, get the Canon Log & Transfer plug-in from their website. it's free, and will save you mucho rendering time.

Update: on Canon's site, doesn't look like it even has temperature settings for WB. awesome. nevermind, T3i.

I wonder how useable this really is for video. I checked out the 60D, and my major issue with it was that I had to go through the menu to change the white balance, and even then I couldn't see the image while I adjusted my settings. That's an absolute no-go for me, since I've been using 5D/7D and need to be able to

I got into the WIC (wedding industrial complex) last year, and my general skepticism has been making way for "ooh that's so cute!" sentiments lately, so this movie looks kind of awesome. I was also a maid of honor a little over a year ago, so I know how tough the party planning is. (but after arguing the other

@Liz Coopersmith: hah! I have one on the 14th as well! (videographer) oh, wedding season...

my best friend and I are like this, but in the way that we can change the subject without specifically saying so, and continue the conversation to the confusion of anyone else around us. sometimes we stop and apologize to one another, but the response is always "I knew what you meant"

@suiterkin: that is exactly what I think of whenever I see the commercials! then I had to explain it to my bf.

every time Paris posts pictures I wonder why, with all her damn money, she doesn't have a better (obv phone) camera.

@Wishnick: seriously James Cameron, EW.

I have the added challenge of having an interview scheduled tomorrow (in the midst of the icy rain and whatnot) and, having moved fairly recently from mom & dad's to my first "real" apt, I have very little to choose from on the footwear front. (It's been like 4 months and I have yet to clear out the closet of my

@BelleBreezing: I find it helpful to send a message with the defriending, that way, if it's misinterpreted, at least you tried. "Don't take this personally, I just think it's what's best right now" or whatever. I can't remember what I said when I had to do it, but it made it easier. He tried to refriend me once, I

@drunkexpatwriter: I haven't been able to find my first boyfriend (about 3 years in high school, which was an eternity then) on Facebook. His name is too common. But for a while we kept in touch via AIM. It's a strange sort of curiosity. Innocent, but not without motives. He has a baby and a dead-end job, and that

The only ex-bf on my facebook friends list is one that I dated and broke up with long before facebook, and we remained semi-friends. Mostly, I'm friends with him so I can remain in contact with his friends drama-free, as mostly my contact with him involves a lot of eye-rolling and debating/correcting.

I think if you have to make it an ultimatum, you have a bigger problem than whatever it is you're making the ultimatum about. Communication is so important, and so is respecting your partner.