
@RainyDayInterns: in certain cases, I've been seriously tempted. not the crappy mall parking job or out-to-get-groceries annoyances, but yeah, I wish there were a way to let some of my neighbors/their friends know that the area in front of my house actually fits two cars, and if you're inconsiderate and take up both

@RainyDayInterns: I don't know about you, but I don't have the time or the patience to stand around and wait a few hours for whoever parked like an asshole to come back so I can tell them.

the street I currently live on has limited parking, and there are two areas in particular (the closest to my apartment, conveniently enough) that are actually plenty of space for two cars each, but everyone routinely takes them up as one giant space. it drives me CRAZY.

@AristotlesCrab: it's both. mindless fuckwits think that being pro-choice means you're all willy-nilly about the importance of life and "haha who cares?" whereas it takes only a mindless anti-choice fuckwit to consider putting their bodily choices up for a vote and a real pro-choice couple considering abortion would

@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: white(+ very light tan) fur + pink skin = just looks pink...sort of is, but he's not dyed pink or anything... I think.

@leesie: some dogs look pink because of their skin being obvious under white/light fur. there was a pit at the shelter I used to work at named Pinky and she was white/very-light-tan like this pup, but her skin was so pink it showed through.

@Sugarshock: there was that thing where they used a 4chan motto and got mercilessly trolled, then responded with "you guys have really taught us something valuable here" and, I assume, punctuated it with an evil laugh and moustache twist.

@CherriSpryte: isn't Longbottom raised by his grandmother or something? I seem to remember someone theorizing that Longbottom could have been "The Chosen One" if things had gone differently, since his parents were killed by Voldemort when he was an infant as well? Am I completely making this up? (I refuse to read the

@Bucky Rodgers (4:19 . . . close enough): I've had no problems with Rode, but for audio you've already recorded, you might have some luck with SoundSoap - it's a nondestructive audio cleaning program.

@mtfmuffins: correction on 1 - every serious indie filmmaker NEEDS an actual tripod with a fluid head (but will trick themselves into thinking they can get by with that lightweight Sunpak that came in the camera bundle... or was that last part just me? still, it makes such a difference, even just setting up your

I'm a gmail user, but...our only options are gmail or Facebook? seriously? you know there are other email options out there, and Yahoo/Hotmail take up most of the "market share", right?

@doodly: was he definitely talking about the word that sometimes denotes sexual acts or could he have been upset about a word that sometimes denotes bundles of sticks?

I always feel like Spencer Pratt empathizing with you is sort of like a backhanded compliment.

@Holita: How does one get into this? Seriously. I assist videographers/photographers, edit video for a living, and I always look at the food on TV (I watch a lot of Food Network) and think "I want to do that!"

@philistereo: It happens all the time - great-grandma was in her teens when she started having kids, grandma was 20, mom was 18...I have (thankfully) broken the cycle, but confusion about my fam is pretty common. I probably should have included a disclaimer to make my comment make more (less?) sense!

@la.donna.pietra: go ahead. your boyfriend won't mind it, because obviously it means nothing. I mean, you're both girls, how silly is THAT?

@philistereo: The 80's were practical? (I have a young family, and it's his second marriage)

@Antrack: I was a goalie, so I did wear a ton of pads, but I totally would have switched to field for that blinged out lax stick (even if all the jewels probably would fall off in one game and I'd have to wear gloves just to keep my palms intact)

Love 15, want the boots from 3 and the BLINGED OUT LACROSSE STICK in 2!