
@onestrawplz: Well, it may be your opinion that this is fun!

@ekaterinaballerina: I was relieved when he admitted flat out "I'm hurt" which, while a little silly bc he was just not taking constructive criticism well, was at least a frank answer to why he turned bitchy (although really, I think he was just annoyed he couldn't use prints) Whereas Gretchen just got bitchier

@deleahrium: honestly, all I can think looking at this is:

it figures as soon as I could afford version 2, version 3 came out with an electric razor...

@ekaterinaballerina: I only like Michael C because his success makes everyone else so angry, and pushes Ivy to the brink. She was cute and fun at first, but then she turned nasty and spiteful and I jumped to the MC ship.

it was about time Chris left. he was cute, but he was boring - in character and in design - and you DON'T BORE NINA

where is her other foot?

@buenosdias: but then you have to think about 12-yo having sex... :(

@klyph: is the spoon shaped like an airplane? 'cause that's the only way I'll agree.

@mpotter: I'm not angry with people who join this game, and I suppose I didn't make that clear. As far as the whole purse game goes, I choose not to participate, and have made my reasons clear to my FB friends, as well as included links to information about breast cancer I think many people are not actually aware of

@Mazzle: I don't think it's an issue of "discrimination" per se.

@klyph: no, because I wasn't saying that this campaign won't make people talk about breast cancer. in fact, we're talking about real issues as a result of it. I still choose not to participate in something I find, frankly, a little insulting. what you've done instead is prove my initial point, that we should actually

I'm at work, so I can't, but I really want to post that old Homestar Runner video of Strongbad's miracle abs thing, which from what I remember was a permanent marker. Can anyone else support this/find the video? Cause it's awesome.

@Samuel James Reha: my friends suggested "I do it X times a day/week!" for how many times you poop, to raise awareness for colon cancer.

in fact, men and women could help by actually supporting cancer research, not just posting cutesy shit on their facebook pages under the guise of "raisin (sic) awareness"

"kids that could have been any one of us." - I think this is key. the relation to the actual suffering, and the lack of guilt makes it easier to fight for someone "just like me" than someone from another group, who we may not completely understand, or are ostracized from as a "white woman talking negatively about

@quagmire: this is exactly what I thought of. these misconceptions are relatively tame...

this is nothing. reading Lame/Failbook, Yahoo! Answers gives you much better insight into how badly our schools need better sex ed. "can I get pregnant from oral sex?" "can I get my baby pregnant if I have sex while I'm pregnant?" (quagmire posted the link below) ETC.

@vikkybee: did she rape her, though? I thought the girl fled the hotel when she learned her "boyfriend's" gender? it's unclear what exactly happened. I'm not trying to defend her - she obviously victimized these girls - I'm just not clear on whether what happened could be called rape, actually or legally. That may be