
@Not-Shattered: I'm actually right now on antibiotics for a rare repeat flare-up, so I know what you had to deal with. And the *colposcopy* (not colonoscopy, lol, but I totally thought the same thing at first) was SO MUCH WORSE this time. My first time I just had to get a scraping (which makes your innards clench and

@ImNotAllHere: can you even see the video past your apple-bred cynicism?

I want 12 to be my wedding dress.

ok, this was dumb and totally could have done without the "man-grunting" and "splooge" sound FX...

I refuse to hover. I think it's stupid and my legs get tired so whatever. And as many have said before, if no one hovered, no one would have to hover.

my favorite defriending: I must have blindly friended this girl when I started a new job, forgot about it, and then after losing said job (totally unrelated to FB and totally the best thing to ever happen to me) an old coworker messages me.

@rhymeswithfeather: combine the two from your first paragraph: de-friending an ex who tries to re-friend you. ugh.

and now I don't feel so bad that I haven't jumped on an Incredible yet - I might want this instead...I do love a physical keyboard.

@akuma_619: I'm pretty sure the Jersey Shore pic was just an example of reality TV. He mentions his friends being "the first to be kicked off" and Jersey Shore isn't (officially, anyway) a Survivor/challenge-type show. Or a couple show (obvi the friends are a couple). Did you read the article or just see an excuse to

Ain't no such thing as free lunch,

@ZuffAudiophile: but they just had a field trip yesterday to Discovery!

@tomsomething: for some reason I cannot stop watching this.

@junkyardarts: not to mention that in the past, pink was for boys and blue was for girls, and before that, there was no specified gender colors - in some societies all kids wore blue for the Virgin Mary or something. it's all marketing.

Ok, my initial reaction to Kelly Bensimon: who's going to see her panties at school?

so... "as a potential lesbian/bisexual/sexual being, you are practically a dude. you are just pretending to be a lady so you can check out some sweet titties and you'd better come clean. ladies don't want to live with dudes, even if the dudes are other ladies."

@neekospeak: @dayglo: If it's to the point that they're enacting a school-wide ban, an assembly might make more sense. You'd also be more likely to present a unified message.

@PurpleMonkeyDinosaur: I helped a friend with a documentary on Inflammatory Breast Cancer, and we did some on-the-street interviews. Only one of the men we asked even knew they could get breast cancer (less likely, sure, but still possible)

@ElleJay: Except that "Tough Titties" is a WAY better slogan, IMHO. It eschews both the "woohoo boobs sex!" feel of "I <3 Boobies" AND the disembodied helplessness of "Save the Ta-Tas" - Instead, I get a sense of survival, strength through adversity. I guess you thought it was going to fall into the "offensive" camp

@CKD1: he has some broken ones in assorted sizes, and in my head I imagine it would work like those crazy HGTV "art" installations where they just slap some plywood circles on the wall in varying diameters and call it a focal point :-P