
@NotChoinski: the dude on the left... that's how John Wayne used to dress. And stand (the hip thrust to one side) With a big floppy hat. The epitome of American masculinity looks so gay by current standards.

I love how the "insider" talks as if prison is high school.

these models look good in spite of the clothing.

@prismatism is Team Bella: Zooey's sister is Emily Deschanel aka Dr Temperance "Bones" Brennan. but it's really more like "smart quirky woman solves crimes with a guy sidekick" ;)

@mike_311: they're not talking about how people get stuck in a "gotta-have-it" mindset, which is what you're talking about. the article is more about how people think they'd be crazy not to buy that gadget because it's ON SALE! and how could I pass up such a deep discount? when really, the gadget was hilariously

quick, DIYers! figure out how to recreate this for $5.99 and a paperclip!

@frigg: apparently not, since other noises don't seem to do it (the guy even claps right near the drum in the video) but that might be a possible way to recreate it.

@taintednaiad: yes! I love the fact that Angela's momentary relationship with another woman, while getting a few smirks, winks and "I don't know how to handle this" awkwardness, was - like you said - pretty tastefully done, compared to the way other shows might make a huge deal of it or make the character a full-blown

I am not the girly girl (although I do prefer a skirt that twirls)

@Kivrin: I'm considering dropping someone from my friends list because all she ever posts are Foursquare and copies of her Tweets, which are almost always inside jokes directed at one of two people.

@Sputnik_Sweetheart: I will forgo my comment since this is pretty much exactly what I thought.

@MySandwich: The description actually makes me think of Bones (Emily Deschanel), who is awesomely inept at the social graces and constantly brutally honest, and it is incredibly endearing. And there have been plenty of examples of her gaining that coveted sexy attention - sometimes because of and sometimes in spite of

@Rare Affinity: brains aren't as important to fertility as giant, saucer nipples

I've always had vivid dreams and nightmares, and I think it's really interesting that so many people are describing the same dreams/feelings I've had: trying to fight back but being powerless, weak, like your arms are asleep; being able to run really fast and far, despite not being athletic in real life (which is

@slightlyhardup: I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. I've had those nightmares numerous times. It makes me feel weak just thinking about it.

@BadPlasmid: no, that makes sense. it probably wants to be able to tell you who your specific representatives are, since those are the ones you'd contact to tell them what their constituents want.

@melskies: screw bra-burning, THIS will be the new lesbian-shitass creed!

@JS_Drupal: Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.

SKULLMONKEYS forever in my pocket?

@Siderz: listen. don't take these pricks seriously. most of us are just jealous