What am I glossing over? Race and privilege are issues but they aren’t the only issues that are factors in the job market and the economy.
What am I glossing over? Race and privilege are issues but they aren’t the only issues that are factors in the job market and the economy.
Thanks for sharing your experience here.
I did guest lecturing for a year at Drexel which is a private, engineering focused university in Philadelphia. It felt like most of the new business, tech, and engineering buildings had a ton of office space for adminstrators, outreach, and fundraising. Multiple floors were offices that had nothing to do with students…
As a society, how we value education definitely has its issues, though like how the country now has multiple economies, we have different subsets that place different values on education.
Processing times are a nightmare right now. Transferring from a student visa to a work visa is exceeding what used to be normal processing times. Companies have multiple entities, and basic things like an employee transferring to a different team or area, has a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. I’ve had 3 people in the…
I have noticed this trend as a hiring manager as well over the past decade. It isn’t equally distributed across universities or fields of study, but it is there. The preferred forms of communication and style is very different too.
I don’t think that based on how much this country spends on education, that this country doesn’t value it. The United States like on healthcare, spends more than any other country in the world. We spend 30% more than OECD countries on K-12 and 75% more on university education.
Maybe but arena league is a much different game than outdoor football, in the same vein, is there a way to work with the Canadian league?
How many professor roles are open and in what fields, versus the pipeline of professors competing for those positions?
AAF was a disaster but I don’t think Spring football is an impossibility.
AOC is correct by definition. Was she seeking to evoke a comparisson to the Nazi regime by using the term “concentration camp” and equate the detention centers at the border to Nazi death camps?
I’m not glossing over it or touching on it at all. The orignal comment I was replying to had nothing to do with any of these blanket points you are making.
That or the ability to really code can yield that. If you are looking to move into management though, then college is the expectation.
Trump changed the electoral vote and drove a lot of turnout that previously hadn’t been voting or had been voting for Dems. That is the block where Dems want to give them a reason to not be excited about Trump and stay home in the battleground states.
I agree about the losses from labor though not sure the enemy is so much shareholder in their palatial manors. It is more systemic than that. The system itself drives the need to increase value and a union shop itself can see the young take a hit as the older pension/401k holders benefit. The other issue is just…
Frightening prospect but likely the reality. This won’t simply be one party, Dems and third parties are likely to adopt these traits. Facism is just a form of socialism with a capitalist bent, but populism and the quest for simple solutions and blame is ratcheting up. The next populist figure could be a Republican, Dem…
This. Then factor in their losses and the scarcity mentality. Outsourcing, affirmitive action and fear of losing jobs to immigrants is real. Playing to that us versus them mentality has allowed Republicans to win favor there and divide the working class by racial lines.
This is a well done and thorough piece.
From the assclown, sure. Some of those working for him though are sharp and calculated like Mnuchin. The first step is setting the policy and getting that in place, which they are doing now. Next will be monetizing it.
You don’t need to win that block, but the Dems chances are better if that block doesn’t show up to vote in numbers like it did in 2016. If this is a game, that part is the DNC playing defense. Going for impeachment is like pulling the goalie. It is high risk and high reward but it usually comes out of a desperate…