
Yes, yes! Less Herzog retrospectives, more amusing headlines! Less artsy, more fartsy!

Well, I think you're getting worked up over semantics, and misinterpreting the language to boot. It's not about Lin Shaye's Horror bonafides, it's about the fact that an elderly woman has found herself in the central role in a popular, widely seen Horror franchise. That's unusual, at least, even if you've seen all her

I'm pretty sure the review is just saying that most people would recognize her for those Farrelly movies. Because more people saw those than saw her stack of direct to video horror credits. I mean, that's what the words in the review suggest.

The money is small potatoes compared to the hours it'll cost you. Hope you didn't have June plans.

Honestly, they're really similar. For all the little nitpick reasons someone might prefer either, I can't imagine liking one and hating the other. You want to go around an giant open world, completing quests and sidequests from a massive list of them, following markers, choosing dialogue options and getting used to

I'm hoping for Offerman!

Little Ghost is hilariously on the nose about that. It even sound like the Cold Mountain soundtrack.

Mono - D'oh!

Something Tony Robinson has long stated was the proposed Season Five was a 60s British Invasion thing, with Blackadder managing a Beatles-esque band. Robinson would have played the drummer, Bald Rick.

When the sky is blue/and the cows go 'moo',
Think of lovely Queenie/she'll be thinking of you

I'm guessing they looked at Helms and saw someone with the same pedigree as Carrell, with his sketch comedy/Daily Show background, noted that he had been pretty damn good as Andy for some years now, and then saw the wild success of The Hangover, and decided he was the guy to build the show around. On paper I can't

You didn't think his point was well taken though? I don't think there's another show on TV right now capable of literally drawing comparisons between its characters and Patroclus. Hannibal may not be the deepest show in the history of the medium, but it's got to be in the top ten percent. And if you hate people trying

He's got you on the ropes here, having barely exerted himself. If you refuse to condescend to argue your point at all, it just looks like you're parroting conventional wisdom. Every schoolboy knows Wire Season 4 is great, and you'll need more than that repeated refrain to slam Hannibal.