Thank you! The fuck is wrong with these people talking about things they know nothing about?!
Thank you! The fuck is wrong with these people talking about things they know nothing about?!
Do you know this woman personally so that you can be saying with such authority that “immediately jumping to sticking a coat hanger in your vagina” is what actually happened? Because it sure seems like you don’t.
Maybe you should have some empathy and stop trying to shame this woman any further than she’s already been…
James Byrd, not Bird. Google is your friend.
His name is Vicente, not Vincent with a fucken e at the end
“Undocumented people” is a far better term than “illegals,” fyi.
Jails are cold (/hot/whatever it is outside), and they typically only allow a mattress during certain hours and then take it away for cleaning purposes, like Floof mentions.
Tell them!
Also, that line that the mom thought Gynnya was gonna whup her isn’t entirely accurate. The linked article says that Gynnya’s mom told the operator “she thought she was gonna whup me”, as in mom is currently proving her incorrect by calling the cops.
I’ve looked, I felt compelled to reply to you in response to your comment on Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks. That shouldn’t be an example you hold up today as being the correct way to do things.
Respectability politics won’t save my Brown ass. Fuck that. People, especially those who are likely to be most impacted by this presidency, don’t need anyone to validate their rage. White folks have been telling Black and Brown folks for years to protest just a little more quietly, wait just a little bit longer, be…
Bless you
Hah, the ex who said “nip it in the butt” is also from the Midwest! I mean, you know, everyone will still understand what you’re saying, so no big deal.
This is not very important, but you just remimded me of an ex, and I feel compelled to tell you, for future reference, it’s “nip it in the bud.” ;)
I never sought an apology from you. I want nothing from you. I only suggested you lose the white savior bullshit. But you live your life how you like!
You’re very confused about who I am, for the record. Continue with your worshiping of white folks and handing out cookies for being a decent human being if you like. It just does no one any good.
Yeah, you got me all figured out. Good one.
You literally said she’s being “amazing” for adopting a non-white child. gtfoh. You can question how much I’m in the struggle all you want, white savior-types and their opinions don’t count for much to me.
grfo with that white savior nonsense tho
Thanks for saying this! I see people trying to come for you, and I think that’s bullshit. They asked a question and got an answer they didn’t like, so now you’re the bad person? Fuck that. Keep doing you. I appreciate it.