Fuck that dude. I feel sorry for the women he’s got in a field somewhere. I hope they’re at least free-range.
Fuck that dude. I feel sorry for the women he’s got in a field somewhere. I hope they’re at least free-range.
I just followed your lead, and I am so glad I did! Inspection shelf!
And you’re acting like a liberal white woman. I think this election has served as a wake up call to Dems that they can no longer expect many people on the left to vote for the lesser of two evils. I think that will push Dems to address those concerns and move further to the left. In the long run, yes, that will be…
I never mentioned who I voted for, and you have no idea where I’m registered to vote, so maybe stfu?
Miss me with blaming 3rd party voters though. The data will tell you again and again and again, and I tell you only one time, white people brought on this shitshow. You wanna yell at someone? Yell at white people that…
Ya know, your point about the waves of feminism is really being proven here. I feel like I’m being called “divisive” for wanting my needs as a Brown woman addressed, when everyone (read: white women) are shouting at me that “It’s for the greater good! We’ll get to you next!”
Fuck that. You’re gonna have to get yours on…
I appreciate the reminder.
You must not be familiar with this word. I suggest you do some googling. White supremacy and internalized oppression are good places to start.
Thank you! I was starting to feel like maybe I wasn’t explaining things in a great way, but I think people (especially liberal leaning folks) just don’t want to believe institutional racism is alive and well. And that’s not helping anyone except the overtly racist people!
Are you talking about me saying she felt she didn’t need to earn the votes of Bernie supporters/millennials (they start to become interchangeable as the comments continue)? If so, by that I meant that she seemed to assume she had those votes in the bag, that they would vote for her when their preferred candidate was…
You’ve switched from blaming millennials to white millennials, and I really wouldn’t have even bothered defending the latter. That’s not who we started out talking about.
The Bernie supporters were pretty left, so that’s what they wanted. She’s more moderate than liberal, so of course those people who wanted to push…
That is exactly it. And now they’ve been emboldened and pretty much given a god damned permission slip to be openly racist, misogynistic dickwads, so that’s gonna be a lot of fun for anyone that isn’t a straight white man. Fuck.
Yeah, and I never suggested otherwise. Of course it was multiple factors going against her at the same time, and not even all of those were her doing.
POC were not enthusiastic about Hillary either, you know? Sooo, I dunno why you’re trying to use that. And I didn’t say anything about “distaste,” I said that she didn’t speak to the issues that those potential voters were concerned about. Isn’t that what candidates are supposed to do? And when they fail to do that,…
No, but this post was specifically about millennials and their supposed lack of enthusiasm as being the reason DT won. I want to be very specific that it was white people who did this.
Also, I feel like “millennials” gets used as shorthand for “Bernie supporter” around these parts. Especially considering the way the…
The big pictures is still white supremacist heteropatriarchy. Forgive us for not wanting to be complicit in our own destruction.
Yeah, I’m definitely not here to defend any nonsense like that. But, do you think those demands would have resulted in a substantial amount of votes? Maybe I’m cynical, but I cannot imagine most self-identified (non-millennial) Democrats voting for Bernie. I genuinely think they would have done the same thing, either…
They turned on Hillary because she never spoke to them. She didn’t energize them the way that many felt Bernie had, because she (/Dems in general) didn’t think she needed to earn their vote, and she was proven wrong.
Also, you’re kidding yourself if you think undocumented folks would have felt perfectly safe and cozy…
That’s a pretty big hypothetical. It MAY be true, but there’s no way to prove it. But even if it were true, why ask voters to fake enthusiasm for a candidate they don’t support? If people felt that their needs were not being addressed, I don’t fault them for being less than enthusiastic. Dems counted on people falling…
Y’all are ridiculous. Nobody took a gamble. White people voted for white supremacy, and it won.
But Clinton won Washington, soooo?