
Well, sometimes I used to store text (mainly formulas), I wrote a little program, you hit the F3 key and all text was erased from memory.

I used this to program matrix operations and other math stuff. Obviously you have to know how to invert a matrix in order to make the program. So the cheating was only on the mechanical part.


"Are you asking me where is green lantern's ring?", I dunno!!!

Already done.

Bahh, Done some 30 years ago. And both legs and an eye


Next time, call him!!!

I would like to have an HTPC, one thing I would like to have is to move my CD collection (500 CDs) stored in the HTPC, but I want to have uncompressed PCM files. That's about 350 Gb, no big deal nowadays. Is there a good software that might help me to move, store, organize and play the PCM files?

Sad news. Just voice no autotune. Godspeed Mr. Khil.

You have a valid point. It's hard to be CIA and as they grow its even harder. Also, we have to give kids some room to breathe.

"Parents who over react and look into their child's social life are, im sorry, but simply a pain. "

Skottieg, Chuck Norris knows where you live. Well, sort of, he geotags you IP address (by memory) within a block. He will destroy the entire block.

Watch out, there are internet gentleman over here. Have a nice day mate.

I am a complicated man

Crap, I made something very similar in high school some 30 years ago to demonstrate heat induction.


Flavours it is then. One for you. Note the correct spelling and accentuation of "Jamón Ibérico". One for me.

There are some meats that are a sin to be combined on that sandwich, one example is the Jamón Ibérico de Bellota. That ham is best just with a slice of bread and little olive oil.

Pink Floyd's (actually, Roger Waters') The Wall, is touring right now. nuf' said.